Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year Letter to God

New Year Letter to God

Dear God,

2013 has been an amazing year for us and to say that we have enjoyed it is a bit of an understatement . Your provision has been nothing short of miraculous and we have loved watching you work in our own lives as well as in the lives of those around us.

So what's the next year got for us then? If I may, Lord, I would like to respectfully lay out my "shopping list" for your consideration.

First and foremost I would like to get closer to you, Lord. Oh, I know I'm not very good at various things Lord, but I do so want a deeper relationship with you. I want to hear from you more - your thoughts, plans, and especially prophecies. There are those who say I hear from you now, but I want to get closer, hear clearer - much clearer - and see our perspective.

I would like to be known less as a grumpy old man, and more as a loving man who carries your presence with him wherever I go. I want more of your zeal and compassion too. I don't want to be a four or five days a week Christian. No, I want to be a fully sold out 24/7 Christian - but in no way a pompous or religious one. More a positive and encouraging one - if you know what I mean?

Then we come to ministry Lord. I love the way you have developed and grown Linda's ministry these past months. Please could you grow it even more, Lord. She has such a wonderful heart for the lost and broken and I am sure it's all part of your plans for both of us to develop our ministries, both individual and joint. I mean, why else would you have teamed us up with those closest to us here in Sleaford.

As for my ministry, Lord, I give it all to you right now for you to use, change, or discard as you will and for your glory. Having said that, I love the closeness with you when I do prophesy, and I simply marvel at your healing touch which you allow us to be a part of, from time to time. I want to see prophesy, healing, and deliverance as part of our daily lives - the 'normal' way of Christian living rather than the special occasion or visiting speakers.

Finally, Lord, I would love to see all those around me, especially family, touched by you this coming year. Not only touched, but brought to the place of salvation, realising just who you really are. My prayer for them is that you will reveal yourself to them and bring them to that point of decision where they know that to reject you is folly but to accept you is eternal life.

Thank you in advance Lord because I know that whatever you decide to do will be best for all of us. My only promise, that I have any chance of keeping, is to try to stay as close to you as I am able. 

You are my wonderful Lord and Saviour and I love you.
I am your beloved son, for whom you came and died, rose, and ascended.
Ransomed, healed, restored, and forgiven.

Your wee lad, Chris.

Saturday 28 December 2013

A Word for 2014 - The Year of Completion

A Word for 2014 - The Year of Completion

I was reading Micah 4 today when verse 5 leapt out at me. “All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.” That’s a good verse but I wondered why the Lord brought it to my attention. First I noted that every nation will walk in the name of their own god. The Lord seemed to prompt me that nations can have a “national god”. America’s would seem to be prosperity, while Europe’s seems to be control, and there are other gods in other places.

Then He took me to the statement, “but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.”

Then He said to me, “The coming year is the year of completion. That which was started this year (2013) or earlier upon My promises and Words, that will I complete in the coming year. Do not be like they who promise Me much but deliver to Me little. Ask much and receive much – ask little and receive little. In the same way that I promise good things, make your word as mine – mean what you say. Do not say that you will walk in my name if only for part of your life. If you make me a promise, mean it in your heart and keep it by your life and spirit. If you do this for Me, then I will open the floodgates of blessing for you. I will give you your hearts desire – I will heal your land, just as My Word says.

My Glory will fall upon those who bring Me and give Me all the glory. I will give no blessing to those who seek glory for themselves. I will not promote those who seek promotion with a wrong heart. I will promote those with a pure heart, those who will bring me glory.”

I feel impressed that this is the year of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – but in order for this promise to be fulfilled, we, as the church, must repent, turn from our wicked ways – no more Sunday Christianity followed by 6 days of the world, and we must return to godly living. I feel the need to come before the Lord as a child – not questioning, nor doubting, but accepting His Word and believing His promises. This has been a theme for me all through 2013 – ‘as a child’, and I believe this is how the Lord wants us to prepare ourselves. Like a child at Christmas, if you will. Hoping and expecting, yet knowing and believing – all at the same time.

Next year, in 2014, we must stand on, and call in God’s prophecies and promises to us, knowing He will bring completion to whatever He has started in our lives and in His church.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas Prayer

Christmas Prayer

“Dear friends and family, 
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas. 
Our prayer for you in the New year is that
May God remember you like Noah, 
Favour you like Moses,
Honour you like Mary,
Fight for you like the Israelites,
Prosper you like Isaac,
Promote you like Joseph,
Intervene for you like Esther,
Protect you like Daniel,
Use you like Paul,
Heal you like Naaman,
Answer you like Elijah,
Anoint you like David,
Keep you safe like Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego.
Have a prosperous NEW YEAR! "

With our love in Jesus

Linda & Chris Bennett

(with thanks and acknowledgement to David Catherwood who sent this prayer to us.)

Sunday 22 December 2013



Hope is the last stumbling block of those who don’t believe. They have none. Their hope is for this life only and for their own children to fare better than they did themselves. By refusing to even look at God and Jesus, they remove from themselves all hope for the future beyond the grave. But -  Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Faith, to those who have none, is pointless and makes a mockery of real hope.

Yet, Christmas is a season of hope – “goodwill to all men”, and all that. Even atheists believe in goodwill to all men yet where did that expression of hope come from. It came from angels in the Biblical account of the birth of Christ. Funny, isn’t it, how Biblical quotations can be used to justify the celebration of an event that you deny ever happened?

This is the season of goodwill to all men and we must therefore be Christ’s eyes, ears, hands, and voice. There is a reason for the sequence of eyes, ears, hands, and voice – there are two of each except voice. Two eyes to see, two ears to listen, two hands to help and hold, but only one voice. 

We can see and understand, and show Gods love in us by our Christ-like response. We can listen with understanding, and we can pray with people, about situations, and for people based on what we hear. We can show love and give hope with our actions. By being the church rather than just talking about it, we can give help in so many ways. We can speak words of wisdom, advice, and love as Holy Spirit prompts us.

As Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times and where necessary use words.” It is such an enormous privilege to be Christ’s representative in life situations. We can bring such hope, as well as all the practical actions. The world has so little hope and we must share our hope with them in any way we can. The hope of Christ in us is such a beautiful gift that we really must share it.

What better gift this Christmas than to give even one person hope. Where there is loneliness, or emptiness, or nothingness, or even despair – let us sow the seeds of hope. The hope of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Clouds and Rain

Clouds and Rain

I’ve never been much of a meteorologist but at the moment I am very interested in clouds. I am fascinated by cloud formations – storm clouds, sunny day clouds, snow clouds and so on. However, fascinating or not, these are not the clouds on my mind at this point in time. No, I am watching and studying small clouds.

Everyone knows that if you leave a cloud alone for long enough it will grow, bit by bit, until it is a rain cloud. As it gets heavier with rain, it nearly always seems to get darker and greyer. Occasionally, we hear thunder emanating from it, and even the odd flash of lightning. So why am I watching small clouds? Not much happening there, you might think.

Well, to be honest, I am more watching for those little clouds “as big as a man’s hand”. These quite excite me right now. There are several around the UK right now. One is even approaching my home town. Only yesterday, I heard of one approaching the Hebrides to the North of Scotland. There’s one down in Wales and that Welsh one has even started to rain a little bit. However, there have been more headed our way in the British Isles recently than many can remember happening previously. 

The trouble is, many of them amount to little or nothing, which is disappointing of course. The one heading our way seems to be getting closer and closer and all the reliable prophets are calling for more intercessory warfare. I made a mistake earlier this week when I encouraged a word to be released too early and without due process being completed. I broke my own rule about letting a new word sit for three or four days before releasing it. Whoops, but fortunately, no harm done as it only went to one other person who wisely sat on it and asked all the right questions.

This is why our spiritual antennae need to be always ready and active. That word could have damaged the body of Christ had not someone’s aerial not been active. Satan would have been encouraged and I would have been dis-heartened. David was great at keeping his spirit “up”. He used to speak to his soul – “praise the Lord oh my soul” was a common theme. “My soul – why so downcast?” was another. We can similarly speak to our own soul and lift ourselves, with Gods help, out of our mood swings. Adopting a cheerful stance is a choice that is independent of the side of bed we got out this morning. My favourite Christian, and her ‘old boy’, is one of the consistently most cheerful souls I have ever met. She is infectious and we should all be the same. After all, we have far more reason to be happy than those with little or no belief. What does our future hold that theirs doesn’t?

This is why I am mindful of the approaching clouds and the latter day rain coming with them. This is why our warfare needs to be lifted higher and our mood of optimism with it. Jesus us coming soon – and don’t forget it!! So - Grab a bagful of good cheer today and tell the world around you that Jesus is the reason for your cheerfulness – and that He’s the reason for the season too. 

Sunday 15 December 2013



On the run up to Christmas, I have been thinking – always dangerous for me. I began by thinking about all the good things that Christmas represents. Things like the reason for it in the first place – Christ’s birth and the whole Christmas story. Then I thought of all the happy Christmases gone by. This was tinged with sadness as I remembered those who have gone or left or whatever. I remember the year my two boys, then aged 3 and 7, reacted when they realised that it was indeed Christmas day and Santa had visited – evidenced by the piles of shining presents wrapped up and piled into a stack for each person. Christmas dinner was the event of the day, we didn’t attend church at that time, followed by opening time. Squeals of delight and lots of thank-you’s with Mum keeping an eye on who got what from whom – amazing how women can do that isn’t it?

Then the Lord reminded of those with less than us – we were almost anything but rich, just having sufficient saved through the year to make Christmas special. But there were many with less than us and some with nothing, or worse, no-one with whom to share Christmas. He reminded me of the Christmas “soup kitchens” where many got their only reasonable meal of the period. He reminded me of the vision He gave me earlier this year of a Christmas day meal for the homeless or lonely or disadvantaged. Sadly, this isn’t going to happen this year, but it will – it will.

All the schmaltz of Christmas, all the greed and over-indulgence, all the schmoozy music and sickly sentimentality – what’s it all for? It certainly doesn’t even begin to reflect the “reason for the season”. It all comes back to the Gospel doesn’t it? For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son – at “Christmas” – as a baby - in a stable.  

Perhaps if the world remembered this too then the church would be genuinely packed by real believers rather than by the pretending “Christmas and Easter Brigade” who come more for the sentimentality than the birth of the Messiah.

So maybe I can urge you to remember those who have less; those who have no-one; those who have nowhere this Christmas. Remember those who have perhaps lost everything and everyone this Christmas. No all of them, but perhaps just one person who’s Christmas you can make a little brighter this year. Then there really would be a good reason for the season demonstrated for just one person at a time.

“Inasmuch as you do it for the least one of these my brothers, you do it for me.”

Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Purposes of God

The Purposes of God
I heard a preacher once say that, if you don’t know God’s purposes for you, then why are you doing what you’re doing? why are you in the place you are in? And what are you doing to find the answers? Seems fair enough to me – how about it?

My wife and I had no idea why we came to our new home town nearly three years ago. All we knew was that, apparently, God wanted us there. We knew just one person in the whole town and nothing about the rest of the whole county. We knew only the reputation of the church we linked up with, but nothing about the people who went there. All we knew was that, apparently, God wanted us there. Then, after we gave up all our old town and left friends and family to migrate 150 miles up country, only then did God really confirm our presence here. Yet still we had no idea of the purpose for us in being here.

We had to wait for that. There were several false starts too. We thought it might be in a certain type of ministry – but it wasn’t there. We thought it might have been among older people – but it wasn’t there. A few things popped up and were validated – yet they were only a side-line to the real purpose. We believe our purpose has been revealed and is validated, although it’s way outside any comfort zone we originally had. Perhaps, had we known then what we know now about our roles, then we would never have stepped up to the plate.

So, what are your purposes in your town, job, or church? Are they God’s purposes or are they your own? If you don’t know the answers, what are you doing to find them? Have you even asked God? It will be an interesting journey that’s for sure. There will be successes as well as failures; foolishness as well as wisdom; mistakes as well as good decisions. It may not be all plain sailing but be assured of this – once God has His hand on your life, it will never be the same again. He has a plan for you and, only if you are willing, He will get you there – kicking and screaming if necessary. Yet there’s the rub. You have a choice. Follow God or follow your own path.

I wonder if you’ll allow Him to take you where He wants you? Or will you wander off track in your own direction? This is too important to get wrong and it’s never too late to start getting it right either. But that’s your Father God – infinite patience, grace and mercy, as well as infinite wisdom and resources – all just waiting for you to say “Yes Lord, I surrender. Lead me on to where you want me.”

Sunday 8 December 2013

So it begins but . . . .

So it begins but . . . .

Unless you were on another planet this past year or so, I guess you may have noticed that to express anything like a Christian point of view, or to live anything like a Christian lifestyle is fast becoming almost illegal. In fact, in America, according to most of the liberals, if it’s not illegal then it should be illegal to even think Christian let alone act, speak, or live Christian. And Britain and Europe are following fast.

Listen to this quote from a famous Hollywood actor, “In this town, you can be a wife-beating, manic depressive crack head and everyone opens their arms to you. They say, “Hey pal, don’t worry about it. We’ll get you into recovery. It’s all part of the journey.” But if you become a born-again Christian and want to share that with other people, they say, “You’ve committed the unpardonable sin.” “

The legal systems have become so politically correct and weighted towards the minority, that it is now virtually illegal to be part of the majority. Christians are deliberately targeted by those who simply disagree with them, in order to force them to change their stance. A sort of ‘deny Christ or die’ philosophy that has been absorbed into the whole social structure from the law of the land to the rights of any individual, except Christians, apparently.

Before you wring your hands in despair, let me tell you what I am finding more and more.

As many of you are aware. My wife and I run a Christian charity shop and cafĂ© in the centre of our town. We are also linked with a Christian-run food bank; a Church sponsored weekly feeding program; a Christian run youth program; and a churches sponsored elderly outreach program. For a society that is supposedly turning its back on all things Christian, we appear to be in a good position. After all, the local authorities rely on us to run the food bank deliveries; up to 40 or 50 people rely on getting a good nourishing meal every Monday evening; the local authorities approached us about running the youth program and attendance has increased from 10 to over 50 every week; and between 20 and 30 vulnerable and lonely elderly people have been befriended with regular visits and real friendship. All this in a small town  of less than 20,000 people where we reckon we have barely scratched the surface in terms of market penetration.

Yet this isn’t the best thing about all this. I have not told all of this to show either how good ‘we’ are nor how clever we have been. I am trying to emphasise much more the real, ‘on the ground’, social temperature here in this small part of the UK. I don’t see any reason why it should not be the same anywhere else. The main thing about all of this is the world’s response to a demonstration of the power of the Gospel in action. People can smell phoney from a mile away. People are simply reacting positively to a demonstration of Christ’s love through a very few souls who believe in St Francis plea to “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.” They know we are Christians but they appreciate our efforts. They know we pray for them ‘secretly’ and now they frequently ask us to do so openly. They see the Gospel in action and they react with gratitude, trust, and favour. Just one example is the charity shop – one of seven in the town. All the other shops are begging for donations while the Lord provides for us bountifully. All the other shops turnover is down, while ours is rising. Greed is not on our agenda and people know it. In fact, we have the reputation of being the best value for miles around.

Sounds like I have been blowing our trumpet a bit and maybe I have – but only in pursuit of giving Glory to God. Political correctness and legalities are one thing, but a demonstration of Gods love and power supercedes the worlds powers every time. The politico’s have one agenda while God has another agenda. Where God’s agenda can be demonstrated, the world reacts very favourably thus proving that, in these end-times, a final great revival is not only in the Bible and is now on the cards but that the world is looking to Christians for a lead into that place.

I just like this quote from Gary Northington, “I will not hold the watchman guiltless who has embraced my enemy. Appeasement is no more then surrender. This is the day for my remnant to come forth. Those who refused to be satisfied with the waters of Babylon. Those who have refused to party with Belshazzar while the enemy is at the gate.”

I suppose the lesson is for us to BE Christ's hands, ears, and mouth. Oh that we would all believe this, grasp the nettle, and go for it. Once again – Just Do It !!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Attack, Attack, Attack

Attack, Attack, Attack

Many Christians find it very surprising, and even off putting, to find themselves in “difficulties”. More precisely, they are completely taken aback when told that they are under attack from Satan and his minions. “How can this possibly be?” Well, I’ve got some news for many people. 

We live in a fallen world. Satan is the “Prince of this world”, the “Prince of Darkness”, and many other titles too numerous to mention. If he senses that Christians are positioning themselves for an attack on his position, like any other being, he will defend himself and his territory. He most often does this by attacking those who would take territory off him. And he doesn’t care at all how much he hurts us in the process. Paul said that he is like a prowling lion seeking those he can kill or destroy.

So when he picks up on any little thing that might infringe his territory or damage his position, the first thing he does is to seek out ways of attacking us first. This is why we need to cover everything we do in layer upon layer of prayer. In fact, we are taking this so seriously that we are preparing to have a prayer team interceding for every service and meeting in our church. “Your will be done” comes at a price and some are not aware or prepared to pay that price.

This is what spiritual warfare is all about. Its about protecting ourselves and our loved ones, church, and families from the attacks of the evil one. Its about safeguarding our health, our finances, and our children. If you take your family, particularly your children, into a dangerous situation, then you make sure your safety procedures are in place. It is exactly the same with spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is a dangerous activity so you protect yourself and those around you. You cover them by the Blood of the Lamb and the power of the Holy Spirit so as to afford them as much protection as possible. 

Because we, as a church, are entering into spiritual battles for the unsaved souls of those around us, we need to protect ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. He will not hesitate to try to take us out of the battle any way he can and we must not hesitate to fight and repel his attacks.

Whoever said Christianity or being a Christian is dull – or easy?