Monday 1 February 2010

RoFMI News Letter

I have just had to change my blog account for some reason. Not quite sure why but here I am again. Something to do with having a Google account I think.

Anyway - blessings all round. Here is the latest News Letter from RoFMI

Dear Brothers & Sisters around the world

As our web site is still struggling to get right, or rather as I am still struggling to get it right, we thought that a quick update on activities and planned visits might be in order.

As you all know, we have had a very hectic start to 2010 with January visits to Holland, Denmark, locally in the UK, and Norway. Reports are available if you would like them. This last weekend was our first weekend 'off' and even the people in my own church asked "I'm . . . - who are you?" They were joking I think - but you never know :-)

The Lord is blessing us with many new contacts and opportunities and we all know that He doesn't give us opportunities if He doesn't want us to take them. So at the moment our schedule looks like this :-

Feb 4-8 Holland when we visit Jan & Grada van Damme, The House of the Lord Church, Wieringerwerf, Holland
Feb 16-17 Norway (Peter only) to visit Hans Petter Thue in Frederikstad
Feb 18-22 Denmark (John & I) to visit Maureen & Preben Westh in Korsor and some local churches
Feb 20-22 Denmark (Peter joins us)
March 4-8 Holland to visit John & Grada Hofman and churches/ministries in Amsterdam
March 25-29 Denmark to visit Maureen & Preben Westh in Korsor and some local churches once more
April 2-5 Easter at home
April 10 Ruth & Keith get married
April 17 Kept free for Peter but John & I may be available ??
May 6-10 Norway for a Prophetic Conference and Training in KraftSkole in Vale(?)

All other dates are free at the moment although there are some pencilled in the diary but still to be confirmed.

So you can see that it is a very busy year so far and doesn't look like easing up at all. In fact we are all praying for God's will as to whether we should now start to go out in two small groups of two or three with Peter leading one group and me leading the other group. Please add these to your prayers for us.

Thats the diary and progress so far but we are believing the Lord for wonderful things in 2010 - for more salvations; for wonderful miracles (signs and wonders following); for new contacts; even for some media dates !!

As I said - just a quick update for you and a big thank you for all your prayers

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