Wednesday 14 July 2010

Who will we meet in heaven?

Who will we meet in heaven?

Hey that’s a fascinating question isn’t it? Well for sure we will meet all the old saints who got there before we did. What will Peter and Paul be like? What about the Wesley’s, or Moody & Sankey? William Booth – there’s another certainty along with Mother Theresa. Wonderful old saints who I hope to meet there. Closer to home there’s Mum & Dad, my Late wife Linda, my Uncle Reg and many other old relatives and friends. I find the thought of meeting them all again very exciting – don’t you ??

Well – that’s all the conjecture I want to cover really. No – my real question is more about all of our unbiblical denominational structures – our little sects and groups and cliques. It’s all about how we see our brothers and sisters in Christ who don’t actually go to ‘our’ church. Now I must warn you that, if you are religious or otherwise easily offended – don’t read any further. No – really – don’t read any further ‘cos I’m about to upset your little applecart.

Did you know that not one Anglican, or Episcopalian, or Lutheran will be in heaven? Shock you ?? I hope so. Yet I can state with authority and certainty that not one of them will be there. Oh dear – what a shame – never mind. I can hear the howls of protest rising from all round the world. I have friends who are priests within these denominations – two of them are retired Deans – almost a senior clerics !! Yet when I talk to them about this, they agree and are very happy about this. You see I don’t have many religious friends. I have friends who are all brothers or sisters in Christ. I suppose the sanctimonious and the religious will be mortally wounded by this thought but it is TRUE. Not one Anglican, or Episcopalian, or Lutheran in heaven !!

Now before you start congratulating yourself on avoiding these groups let me tell you something else. There will be no Roman Catholics there either !! And just in case you are now getting really smug – not a single Pentecostal will be there – NOT ONE! Oh boy – Salvation Army Yaaay. Wrong again – not a single Salvationist either. No Methodists, no Calvinists, no Wesleyans, no ‘any other’ I may have missed off the list.

A theologian friend added this – “.... may I add that through such denominationalism - grace, mercy and righteousness have been sacrificed for inaccurately perceived theological imperatives that has simply left an arid faith. I suspect that within organised Christendom there is too much interest in wearing correct labels than in wearing the ONLY Lord.”

OK – no more bad news. So – what’s the good news then?


When Jesus returns, He is NOT coming for the Church. He is coming for His Bride and His Bride is US – the Christians. Not the Churches – although judgement will begin there. Oh I am not going to start discussing ‘who’ is saved – who will pass the test and who won’t – or those to whom He will say “Away from Me – I did not know you!” I really am not interested in your denomination – only in whether or not you are saved by the Blood of Christ. All I am interested in are the wonderful brothers and sisters of all ‘denominations’ with whom I share the title “Christian”. With these folk, I will have the great joy of sharing the rapture, heaven and all that is there for us.


  1. I believe there will be a lot of shocked faces on people who belong to churches which believe they're the ONLY ones going to Heaven. Good thought provoking post, Chris.

  2. Preach it brother .. may I add that through such denominationalism grace, mercy and righteousness have been sacrificed for inaccurately perceived theological imperatives that has left simply left an arid faith.

    I suspect that within organised Christendom there is too much interest in wearing correct labels and wearing the ONLY Lord.

    Can I keep goin bro? ..bless ya Chris

  3. Bless you both. Thanks particularly Geoff for the additional comments which were both useful and educationally thought-provoking for me.
