Friday 28 January 2011

Understanding Revival

Understanding Revival

There is a vast amount of verbiage been given to revival. What it is. How it happens. Why it is. What its purpose is – and so on. Probably enough books have been written for revival to be thoroughly and properly understood. Yet almost daily, we see churches and pastors where not only is revival not understood – at all – but it is assumed to be in the gift of the leadership of that church to order it, control it, and hand it out to whomsoever they will.

What an astonishing state of affairs !!

OK – so let me add my two cents worth to the pile then. What is revival? Revival is a sovereign act of God in which He reveals the majesty of His Son and what He has done for us to unbelievers. Revival is NOT for the church - it is for the unsaved sinners to snatch them from the grip of hell and to bring them within the remit of heaven.

So why is it that we see, virtually every week, an amazing announcement from this church or that stating, (not hoping but stating as a fact), that “We are having revival here this Sunday . . .” What astonishing arrogance that some people actually think they can pre-empt God and say when and where revival will take place. These are the people who make their own plans for their own church in their own sweet timing. They might as well say to God, “We want revival in this place, on our terms and on these days !!” They do not want it anywhere, any time, and at any price. No – they don’t want to pay the price for revival but they sure want to reap the rewards.

So let’s suppose, just suppose, that the Lord plays along with them and revival happens for a few days, where, and when they ask for it. Have you any idea what would happen? I’d love to be there. According to the Bible, the first ‘revival’ took place on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and “3000 were added to their number that day.” OK – it was the very first one so it was quite a novel idea at the time. Let’s just assume 50 were added on the day. Who among you could cope with 50 new Christians in ONE day. Let’s just take Wales in 1904 or Azusa Street in 1905/6 – people were running in off the streets convicted of their sin – whole streets came under the anointing and were won to the Lord – crime stopped !! Hundreds, even thousands, were added weekly to the churches. It may have started in one church but it spread like wildfire to virtually every church around and out into the surrounding country and area. In Wales, back in 1904-6, well over 100,000 souls were added to the church. That represented about 20% of the entire population. We are not ready for anything like that – are you ??? What would you do with even 20 new Christians every week? The vast majority of us could never cope.

Get the idea yet? Revival is NOT for the church although the church is the first beneficiary. Renewal is for the church and, by all means, let’s have some renewal too. But please don’t think we can even order either renewal or revival – both are sovereign gifts from God and will happen when He says so and not when you or I say so. We need to pray for revival and for renewal. After all, who is Jesus returning for when He comes? He is coming for His Bride – the Church. But before He takes His spotless Bride home, He will judge the Church first starting with the shepherds then going on to the sheep. Just think about that before you call for revival because you will be first in line before the judgement seat.

And I haven’t even begun on prayer yet 


  1. I like your definition Chris. It has to be God-initiated by the Holy Spirit. He gives as He Wills. Good Job!

  2. Renewal vs revival .hmm Chris that would be great for you to explore further bro..luv to hear what you have to say ... YEP judgement has lready begun with house of God bro ..right on ... ...'The Fireplace of cleansing'
