Friday 17 June 2011

Christian? Who? Me?

I recently reviewed some of my old blogs and this one stood out. It seemed to me to be worth a re-visit under the title above.

Where is YOUR Evidence?

I saw and posted an interesting question to Twitter the other day – “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” This was followed by an equally intriguing question – “What if you claimed to be a Christian and nobody believed you?”

Let’s look at these two rather basic questions for a moment

“If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” - “What if you claimed to be a Christian and nobody believed you?”

Both of these rather stopped me in my tracks a bit. Do they do that to you I wonder? What is the evidence ‘they’ are looking for?

Does your mouth let you down? Many Christians that I know can let their mouth off the hook quite badly. They use unsanctified, or worse, plain foul language. They laugh at the most appalling sick and dirty jokes. If that’s you, then I guess the evidence is a little less compelling.

How about your actions and activities – just how “Christian” are they? Do you perhaps rent out inappropriate movies? Do you look at or buy even slightly pornographic films? Do you covet your neighbours car or even his wife? Hey that’s more good evidence down the drain. What about your reading matter? Or your TV schedule? Are they both scripturally in line or not?

Do you actually read your Bible on any day other than Sunday – surely we can use that in evidence against you? Or how about gossiping or worse still tearing your ‘friend’ and neighbours to shreds – that’s also problem for you huh?

If the answer to all, or nearly all the above questions is the scriptural or Christian answer, then Hallelujah, I guess you will be found guilty as charged. By the same measure, if the answers are the other way, then my guess is that the evidence of Christianity in you ranges from not too strong to non-existent – charge denied!

If you were to be found ‘not guilty’ of being a Christian; if the world plainly did not believe your claim to be Christian – how would you react? Much more importantly, how will Jesus answer those questions? On the day, will He say “Guilty as charged – well done my good and faithful servant”. Or will He say, “I see no evidence of your claim – not even the world believes you so why should I. Away from Me – I never knew you.”

Hey – if it’s any consolation, I’m no saint either, but I sure am going to try a little bit harder in future. On that day, there is only one thing I want to hear my Saviour say to me.

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