Sunday 19 June 2011

Hearing from God

How do we hear from God?

Here is one way in which we hear from God

This is a question I hear and teach about quite a lot when people talk or ask about prophecy. There are several ways we hear from God and this is just a perfect example of just one way He has of communicating with us.

This is what I heard the Lord say this morning..."As I have been with you from the beginning, so I will be with you until the end. You think you are moving slowly, but you are not, for I am watching over your every step. You will not miss anything that I have purposed for you to accomplish. This is an hour of acceleration for my people. As you war, I will war. As you draw near to Me, I will draw near to you. Let boldness rise up in you that many lives can be touched and changed. There is a pure joy that will rise up as you see Me moving with you and releasing through you. Look forward and not back, for all that you have been through has been the stepping stones to bring you where I need you to be. As you pray, know that I am listening, know that I am ready to move on your behalf. I am with you and I am for you. Do not fear. Watch for the opportunities I set before you."

This was a Word From Carol Boren put out by Chuck Pierce on Facebook on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 12:55pm with the comment – “May this word speak to you!”

This is how God sometimes speaks to us – through another who has never even heard of us – someone who wouldn’t know us from Adam – someone whose words hit so hard, which words must, because of their lack of knowledge of us, come from God. How else would we know they were speaking to us? We wouldn’t - and they almost certainly never will.

Now this Word “hit me in the face like a wet fish” as it were. It brought me up short. It stopped me in my tracks. In short, it did not just speak to me, it shouted at me from the rooftop. Ever had anything like that happen to you? You know that you know that God is speaking to you. You know that you know that God has His hand upon you, and that you are firmly in His sights, and that despite all the ‘problems’ and ‘setbacks’, you just know that you are on the right path – the path laid down by the will of God.

And that is what hits you so hard and brings to you a fresh realisation of who God really is. That kind of realisation makes me weep all over again at my lack of trust in Him. It drives me to my knees in sorrowful repentance at my lack of faith – which at that moment is not even as big as a mustard seed.

This may be the very reason that God chooses to speak to us in this way. Sometimes, it is only when we realise the impossibility of another person knowing our personal situation, that, when we hear or read their words, the truth of them is obvious and the source can only be God – because no-one else could possibly have known what we just heard or read.

That is just one way God can speak to us. Isn’t it wonderful?

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