Friday 18 February 2011



Recently, the Lord showed me some things about the present time and end times. The two ages are coming together today. This is what I heard and saw -

“There is a fire coming that will burn away much of whatever we seem to value so highly today. There is a shaking already going on throughout the world and whatever is shaken will fall. When things fall – fires start. Fire consumes all before it.

There is also a Holy Spirit fire coming. Like worldly fire, Holy Spirit fire consumes all before it and we should not be surprised when many ministries and churches, places thought to good, clean places, also burn in Holy Spirit fire. The Lord is shaking all that can be shaken, according to His Word in Hebrews 12:26-28 (NIV) “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.” And in Haggai 2:6 (NIV) “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. “

When I heard all of this, I thought I should be trembling but I was not – I was quite calm and at peace before the Lord. So I asked for more details – I mean, much of this is already happening today, so what additional things was the Lord showing me?

As for the Church and ministries, we already know that we will be the first to be judged prior to the Lords return to collect His spotless Bride. There will be a great shaking of the church and all that is not producing (Holy Spirit) fruit, will be thrown in the fire - John 15:6 “If anyone does not remain joined to me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and dries up. Branches like those are picked up. They are thrown into the fire and burned.”

This burning up is already started – look at all the news reports on fallen ministers and ministries. These ministries are being shaken until they fall, swept up like so many broken branches, and thrown into the fire of God’s wrath !! No-one and no ministry is exempt from this shaking and all of us will be shaken to one degree or another. Only that which remains will be saved – ALL else will be burned in Gods Holy fire.

Will there be time for repentance and restoration? I don’t know for sure but I certainly doubt it.

The Lord then turned my attention to the world. If we read the Word we can see that everything that is happening in the Middle East at the moment is absolutely in line with what the Word of God prophesies in Daniel 11. All this lines up with the end-time prophecies elsewhere in scripture.

What I saw was this, and it is not pleasant.

I saw cities, areas, and whole countries on fire? I saw all the oil wealth being consumed and burnt. I saw all the businesses, large and small, burning up. I saw people fleeing in terror from the flames – only to perish in the deserts from lack of food and water. I saw terrible things happening as Christians were blamed for everything that was happening. However, I also saw what appeared to be an advocate pleading their cause and helping them escape the persecution. I do not know whether this is a Biblical Advocate or a worldly advocate.

The fires continued to burn for some time before finally dying down and petering out. Then at the last, I saw an army moving across the landscape. I believe it to have been the Army of the Lord as they took the Gospel into Israel.

Have I had a vision of Armageddon? Who knows? I don’t think it matters too much as I think this whole vision has been a warning to the church first, then to Israel, then to the World. Will anyone heed these words? Again, I don’t know. All I know is that, as a prophet, it is my job to speak out whatever the Lord gives to me. It is up to you to discern if there is any substance in what I say and then to take any appropriate action.

1 comment:

  1. The shaking of the churches is happening to free those who have followed in the footsteps of mystery babylon and the false worship of Jesus the annointed one. It is a sign to seek true worship and true delights from His hand, and to make worship in your head the same as in your heart. The body is as much His as the world is, and He is at last prepared to have fully what is fully His- love from his bride, love from His children, love from his creation. Jesus wants people to look him in the eye and see exactly what He sees- need, want, adoration, Truth.
    Holy Spirit fire comes in the heart and cleanses it completely, with weeping, with hunger, with thirst- with a spiritual longing and crying out for the water that satisfies- Our Saviour!
    Shout with supernatural Joy, for He's not just coming- he's already here, knocking at the door to every heart while the locusts and thieves come at His command to break down walls and steal what's precious, what we once thought so important!
    Clarity of the mind and body is coming. Clarity of thoughts, clarity of spirit, nakedness of the flesh so that we can SEE what he sees- a body and a mind MADE for Him.
