Saturday 28 September 2013

Power of the Cross

Power of the Cross

We hear so much about the power of the cross. There is a wonderful song about it – my favourite version is sung by Chris Bowater - . Actually it is my all time favourite song, sacred or secular.  The words of the final chorus are these

“This, the pow'r of the cross:
Son of God-slain for us.
What a love! What a cost! 
We stand forgiven at the cross.”

So what is the power of the cross?

For 2000 years, the cross has been an emblem of shame, of victory, of disdain and mockery, of death and life, of nearly anything you care to name. It has fascinated millions; it has infuriated millions; it has brought hope to millions. The cross is a powerful reminder of the Bible story of Jesus. Millions believe that story while even more millions trample it under the foot of unbelief or hatred or a different belief. Unbelievable evil has been done in its name and it has inspired almost unbelievable deeds of goodness.

What is it about a symbol of shame, torture, and death that makes it the object of such passion and interest? It calls believers and unbelievers towards it. It calls bad men to exchange their unholy ways for more God-like ways. It also drives bad men to even worse deeds.

It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ without words, without deeds, without any props or reminders. It is the symbol and constant reminder of love, God’s love for us. It is the greatest symbol of hope the world has ever seen.

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

This is the power of the cross – nothing less than salvation for everyone who believes, and eternal life through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more, it's a beautiful song but prefer Stuart Townend's version personally. What a love! What a cost! If only we took it more seriously. Thankyou for posting this.
