Thursday 13 May 2010

Loosen up, Chill out, and Change

I have recently felt a calling on my life to travel further, perhaps to the US and Australia (hereinafter known as Oz). Asked about this I responded that my thoughts on the US and Oz, US in particular, are that 'familiarity breeds contempt'. That’s a bit strong but hey – who’s writing this. I am not known for pulling punches so I am certainly not going to start now.

The vast majority of US or Oz churches are so full of their own local teaching that they really do need a shot in the arm from outside their narrow little parochial boundaries. Why me? I have no idea – it could actually be anybody. I will probably upset too many people – good tithing people too!! Can’t be having that.

Actually, churches worldwide, except where they are very young vibrant churches like in China, are all growing stale because they will not step anywhere outside their own comfort zone. They do not want to hear new ideas because, usually, this means change and folk don’t like change.

Can you imagine a church, deep in Oz or US sheep farming territory, where the men dance, hug, and even kiss each other ??? Shock – Horror. “No no no no no - real men don’t do that - only pouves do that sort of thing.” Yet in many Mediterranean countries and in ALL Arab countries; the men dance together, and to meet and NOT hug and then kiss on the cheek is a gross insult. Even the big burly Russians and other eastern Europeans do it. The Bible says to do it - "greet each other with the kiss of love" - and before any macho man jumps up and down it is not talking about anything except Christian love and fellowship.

Hugging, dancing, and yes, even kissing - it’s all about getting away from the same old same old and getting the fun and the JOY back into our meetings rather than maintaining the old, miserable, status quo. I am not advocating ‘fun and joy’ at the expense of Jesus. I mean fun and joy with the Lord. Do you think heaven doesn’t sing and dance and thoroughly enjoy themselves ?? Of course they do. Heaven is going to be a blast for me and you but to some it will come as a huge culture shock. “Oh we didn’t do that where I went to church.”

Why not? and please - get used to it.

Heaven is a joyful place. Our churches are NOT – in fact in some I have actually heard rebukes given for laughing out loud !!

I can tell you now that when Jesus returns let’s see how many pastors or shepherds are still in position. Let’s see how many congregations are still together. Let’s see how many people still sit in seat 1 pew number 4 ‘because I’ve sat there for thirty years’ !!! When He returns there will be a heaven of a change in most of our churches !!

Please guys - Loosen up, chill out, and CHANGE.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, I do believe you were in church with me Sunday. As our church has grown we've grown we've grown staler. Don't know if pastor is afraid to offend any of the newer folks or not, but anytime there's even a slight move of the Holy Spirit he's started apologizing for it. He will tell the congregation.."oh, this is not a usual event" to keep from offending anyone. offends the Spirit of God! I would love to see dancing(we used to)and prayer where we call down heaven(not lately..might interfere with a social event). I have a more joyful time singing/dancing/praying with the Lord all by myself than to go sit in a dull, dry, compromising church. You are right on!
