Friday 27 January 2012

How do we account for this?

Why are the churches empty?

If we are indeed in the end times, and the great revival is beginning, what is the church doing with their harvest. Let me ask you all something. We are all aware of the wonderful crusades and series of meetings, frequently called revivals, taking place all round the world. We see, daily it seems, Christian television broadcasting services and meetings where, seemingly, hundreds are being saved. What is happening to all those newly ‘saved’ people? Why are the local churches not heaving with people? Why is not church growth locally off the scale? In the 1904 Welsh Revival AND in the 1906 Asuza Street Revival, within 6 months between 50 and 70% of new converts were LOST.

Is that happening again today? Are we simply throwing the harvest away again? Oh heaven forbid that we should be accused of such a thing. Yet I firmly believe that we are doing just that. Not by rejecting them but more by not ensuring they know of a church where they will be welcomed and loved. Benny Hinn, love him or not, always has materials on local churches for new converts – why not everyone else?

Here we are, watching all the prophesied end time events unfolding, pulling thousands into God’s kingdom, yet we may well be wasting the resources that God is giving us.

So we have end time signs and the church’s own ’carelessness’ combining to pervert our minds taking on board the full implications of present world events aligning with Biblical prophecy.

It’s almost criminal. How will we account for this when we stand before the judgement seat of Christ?


  1. Good question Chris. I suspect that it is a combination of things, not the least of which is the selfish concern of churches to try to do everything themselves. I think this question is very much related to your earlier post about not listening to the Holy Spirit. Blessings!

  2. I like to think that all my blogs are aimed, one way or another, at preparing us all for what is to come soon.

  3. amen Chris! I think most churches lose sight of the "big" picture, which is God's command to bring new souls to him...not their own church! Most churches are social clubs and despite already being a member of God's church, new members find themselves trying to "earn" a spot in the fact, my wife & I don't attend the local church because we don't "fit in" My question has always been...aren't we all on the same team..from the Pastor to the janitor?

  4. I have always said Mark, that we should "shop around" and try churches out until we find one where we feel comfortable. I hope you found one or find one to suit you. Fortunately God looks at our heart not at the church we go to, but He does tell us not to forsake assembling together - in other words to go to A church.
