Wednesday 18 January 2012

My Answer to Hate

I Do Not Hate

I have just had the somewhat dubious pleasure of reading an open letter to Republicans and to conservative Christians. It was written by someone calling themselves ‘Ministry of Truth’ and the article says “You can follow me on twitter @JesseLaGreca “ So if you are indeed Mr LaGreca, then this answer is for you. I am what you term a ‘conservative Christian’ and we are NOT all the same. If you care to read this you may have some surprises but only if you read it with an open mind.

The article was an eye-opener into the seedy world of American politics. Why do I call it a seedy world? Because I have never read such a hate ridden diatribe in my life. Truly it makes some of Hitler’s rantings seem like small talk at a polite society tea party. The language used is frequently nothing if not provocative and crude.

The writer states about conservatives and Christians that “You hate Obama. You hate gay people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labour unions, women who want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, you hate 'em all. You hate being called racist. You hate being called a bigot. “ and so it goes on. Line after line of incredible utterly intolerant gibberish.

So let’s address some of these perceived ‘hates’ shall we.

You hate Obama. I do not hate anyone. Hate is such a wasted emotion when applied to people. I may hate what people do but that is also between them and God and my approval or otherwise counts for nothing in their great scheme of things.

You hate gay people. Wrong. Some of the nicest and kindest people I have ever met have been gay. I do just happen to believe that God’s Word is the guide book of life for me and my family and that therefore the gays are wrong to practice their version of sexuality.

You hate black people, I don’t think so – I went to an African church for years because it was so vibrant and alive. The people are people whether they are black, white, or brown and, for the most part, they are lovely. I do question the fairness of how the law-makers have made it a race crime for me, a white man, to show prejudice against a black man but it’s OK for him to show prejudice against me. I do hate racial prejudice in any direction but as I said earlier, I hate no man

You hate immigrants, Not at all. However, I do feel they should speak my nations language and that I should not be forced to provide everything in their language. We live in an English speaking nation. If the immigrants cannot speak my language then let them learn our language.

You hate Muslims, No no no. I have lived amongst and worked with many Muslims for years and I’ve never had a problem. However, I have to draw the line at all the fundamentalists threatening the rest of us with death just because we do not believe as they do. I draw the line at the rest of us, all 93% of the population, being forced to accept Shariah Law. This is a Christian Nation founded on Christian laws and principles. No we’re not perfect but accept our country and our way of life or find somewhere else to live - somewhere more suited to the laws and way of life you wish to espouse.

You hate labour unions, Once again you are taking a view on my opinions that you have never sought. You have heard one persons views and tarred all of the rest of us with the same brush. Your own ignorance and prejudice in some matters is appalling. As you are in ignorance on this matter, allow me to enlighten you a little bit. I happen to think that unions are a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde organisation. On the one hand they are very necessary to protect many workers from bad or bullying management practices. On the other hand, some unions have grown so big and powerful that they have turned bully boy and are biting the hand that feeds them by forcing perfectly good and reasonable employers out of business.

You hate women who want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, Oh now, here’s a real gem hidden in amongst the pig-swill. I have no opinion other than supporting any persons right to do what they will with their bodies. Until, that is, they step over the line and their decision affects the life of another. You know, I have never understood the law whereby if a pregnant woman is shot and killed and her baby dies too, then the perpetrator is charged with double murder. How come please that her baby is capable of being murdered, but abortion renders all babies lives as worthless and destroyable. Yes a woman can have all the face lifts, Botox, silicon implants, and lipo suction she can afford as these affect only her own body. When is life started? According to United States murder law, life begins at conception. According to abortionists and the Abortion Bill, life begins at birth – or even later.

You hate ‘em all. What absolute rubbish. In fact, the majority of your article displays a bigotry and bias/prejudice that would shame a sewer rat. Your ranting is like that of a fourteen year old petulant schoolboy. You have so poisoned your own thinking with this garbage that you probably really do believe most of it. You do indeed hate anyone who disagrees with your own very sad point of view.

You hate being called racist. No I don’t. Names are simply names and you will not offend me by calling me names. Actually though, I am not a racist. I love all my brothers and sisters both in the Lord and outside of Him. I really do love people – even, and especially, the un-loveable ones

You hate being called a bigot. No – it’s just another name. I do try very hard not to be bigoted in any way.

There you are Mr LaGreca. I hope I have answered your misunderstanding of conservative Christians. I doubt I have but that’s probably another story. Whatever you think sir, I bless you and I wish you well. I don’t think you believe in God but I wish with all my heart that you did.

1 comment:

  1. As my wife used to tell our sons when they were growing up, "Hate is a strong word." The word is strong but the people who practice it are weak. It takes much more courage and strength to do as our LORD commanded and LOVE our neighbors. Blessings Chris. What a wonderful reminder!
