Tuesday 5 November 2013

Do You Really Mean It?

Do You Really Mean It?

I had one of those ‘moments’ at church last weekend. It was not just that the Lord asked me a question. It was both the way He asked it and then gave me the ‘no-brainer’ answer at the same time. The net result was that I was convicted and had to do some repenting first. Now I have to consider the question again in the light of my new position. It’s a question the Lord is always asking us . . . . but more of that in a minute or two.

 We are all just standing there singing our hearts out in praise and worship. Suddenly the words began to be highlighted. No, I mean really highlighted as in writing a foot high, on a blue background, and shining brightly – all at the same time. That gets my attention every time and so it was this morning.

We sang, “and I fall to my knees so it’s You that they see, not I” – the words get highlighted and I hear the Lord comment, “Only in here!” I protest, “What do mean Lord?” “You mean it when in front of all these people, but outside, in the week, you want you to be seen – not Me”. 


Next we sang, “I live for you alone,  Every breath that I take ,  Every moment I'm awake, Lord, have Your way in me.” I see the highlighting again and I hear the Lord say, “Hmmm – I don’t think so.” Oh dear, “How do You mean, Lord?” It is almost a “Where shall I start?” moment, but again He says, “Yes, in here, but not all day, every day.”

Finally, we are singing about giving Him our all, our everything. Once again the words highlight and I hear Him say, very gently, “Not quite like this is it?” It wasn’t a question as much as a statement of fact that I couldn’t deny. I was convicted and had to do some deep and painful repenting. The only question I had was, “Why Lord? Why here? Why now?” He repeated the question or statement He had made earlier, “I want to take you deeper.” Then He added, “Will you come? Will you trust Me to take you deeper into me than you’ve ever been? Deeper than you have thought possible?”

Now I have seen the cost of the answer to this question. This is not an easy one to answer. It can be costly to the one of whom it is asked and for his/her family and friends. It can be costly but it doesn’t necessarily have to be – but it usually is because the enemy hates it and rises up in some force against it. This has been a heavy weekend at the end of a very busy week – and we have several more very busy weeks ahead of us as I have just taken added responsibilities on board. It doesn’t take very much to see that this question and my new, extra busy situation are linked.

So I’m saying “YES Lord. I want to come deeper with You. I want to sing all these words and mean them. Will you help me and, by Your precious Holy Spirit, will you lead me through these coming years of serving You.”


1 comment:

  1. Our pastor says this;
    As Cnristians we don't tell lies, we sing them!
