Sunday 10 November 2013

I Want to Worship

I Want to Worship

Is it possible for me to enter into worship so completely that I am lost in awe and wonder? Is it possible that such as I could be so immersed in the presence of God that time ceases and my worship becomes pure enough to become His habitation? I find being still so difficult – my mind is always busy. I swear God must despair of getting heard by me sometimes because I am so “busy”. Yet I do hear Him quite often, and I do note what He says to me – frequently putting His words into blog format.

Yet worship is what seems to just fill my heart most days. Oh, I grumble and mumble a bit, but I always end up singing in the end. I sing old, very well known, old hymns as well as my favourite Gaither tracks, and then some simple modern praise and worship songs like Worthy is the Lamb or similar. When I feel down, or fed up, or put upon, or just generally grumpy – it never lasts long because God just pops a song into my heart and I start singing again. Worship brings grace for the day. It brings joy back to my heart – time and time again.

I was raised in a singing home. Dad, my sister and me used to harmonise some of the old songs. Mum was a pianist – even though we never had one at home. My brother was the jazz-man among us. Our school had a very good musical tradition and we did the Messiah every Christmas. My musical tastes were very eclectic ranging from solid classical, through opera, big band and traditional Dixie jazz through to country and gospel. But it was the old gospel that struck the most chords and stuck in my mind. I even remember the Billy Graham crusades in the 50’s – my uncle took my brother to one in London – I was “too young”.

Now, my music and singing is nearly all P&W – Gaithers thru to Hillsong and all shades in between. Worship brings me into the presence of God quicker than any other way. I am inspired, lifted, edified, filled with joy, and renewed by worship. I expect things to happen. I want a totally renewed mind – thinking and speaking in Gods way – capturing each thought and word before it escapes my lips. I want expectancy to be my normal. I want to see God honoured in my life; in the way I treat people and by His presence being obvious to anyone who I meet – even if they don’t recognise it or understand it in any way.

That is why I want to worship my Lord and my Saviour, my father God, and my friend Holy Spirit. How about you ???

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