Wednesday 27 November 2013

Just believe

Just believe

“It's not my responsibility to find out how God is going to do it. I am just suppose to Believe.” Allen L. Shook

What a statement of faith! Jesus said “Do not be afraid; only believe.” Mark 5:36 – and the synagogue leaders daughter lived. Smith Wigglesworth used to say much the same thing as he ministered to people. “Only believe” represents the simplest statement of faith at the simplest level. Jesus taught us about being born again, about believing and coming to God as a child. That represents a simple faith.

Yet so many people try to “understand” miracles, especially healing. Like a child, they ask ‘why?’ or more particularly, ‘how?’. Then they get all frustrated because God doesn’t answer them. He says, “My ways are above your ways as far as east is from west.” And this, from a doubters point of view, isn’t very helpful at all.

I know people with a real passion to see people healed, not just God’s people but all people. But they have real trouble because they cannot understand the how, let alone the why, and because they have such insistently enquiring minds, they fall into the sin of doubt and effectively block the ministry they so eagerly aspire to. Yes, doubt like this is a sin that effectively blocks the path to healing despite the fact that such people have been on the receiving end of tremendous miracles of healing.

One of my personal heroines is a little old lady in our church. She came to the Lord and was baptised after she turned an age that not too many people even live to achieve. She sees miracle after miracle in all sorts of areas but particularly in healing. Recently hospitalised, she was tottering round from bed to bed praying with every person in the ward. Her eyes twinkle as she joyfully relates how “Jesus answered my prayers.” Her faith is so child-like it almost beggars belief. “He told us to pray. I pray. He does it. Prayer answered.” Is her whole philosophy. Dare I say it like this, she is not encumbered by great education or learning other than the learning of experience. She is a beautifully simplistic lady with a beautifully simple and child-like faith.

“Only believe” takes on a whole new import when approached from child-like faith. The questions may go away or they may remain but the answer doesn’t matter any more. He told us to pray – “anything we ask in His name’. We pray. He does it. Prayer is answered. I am one who believes that healing is without repentance. After all, Jesus didn’t enquire as to the spiritual condition of anyone – He just healed ALL who came to Him.

Does it matter why or how He does it? Not one jot. Our testimony is undeniable and it asks only one thing – Only believe. So next time you pray for someone, only believe, and you may be surprised - it will be done for you.

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