Monday 1 August 2011

For America

Word for America

“Word for America” - This phrase surprised me when I heard it first. I asked the Lord, “Are you sure Lord”. He said, “Yes”. I said, “Surely there are many words for the States right now? Do you really want me to give another one?” Once again the Lord just said, “Yes”.

To all in America – let he who has ears to hear listen to the words of the Lord.

The storm clouds of turmoil are mounting like huge cliffs about to topple on America right now. It is said that the prayers of the righteous rise before the throne of the Lord as an incense, but nearly all that the Lord smells from America right now is the stench of corruption, decay, and rebellion. To you, the Lord says this, “There is coming a season of unprecedented revealing where the “incorruptible” will be revealed as corrupt, and the known corrupt will be revealed as worse than most of your worst dreams. This is NOT My judgement on America. Rather, it is part of My cleansing fire that will begin to purify you all fit for my return in Glory.

“As I cleanse you”, says the Lord, “So I will write the names on My hands and in the Book of Life of those who turn to Me in repentance and contrition for there is a great hope for them. Those who have doubted; those who have strayed; those who have gone back to their old ways – to them will My Spirit speak, urging them to return to Me. Those who have remained steadfast in Me will know My peace for their names are already written on My hands and in the Book of Life. They shall lead My sheep quietly but firmly in the direction for them to go – guided by My Spirit”, says the Lord.

“When I return it will be for My Bride, and NOT to judge, but to gather My people to Me. Do not get left behind for then the house of the latter will become much worse than the house of the former because reason will go unchecked and corruption will once again go like wildfire through your towns and villages, even down to your shops and schools. Even so”, says the Lord, “I will listen to the prayers offered in that season as those who realise My claim on them is true and who turn from their wicked ways and return to Me. There is still a great hope for America but the time is getting short; the season is coming to a close and a new season will be upon you.”

I asked the Lord about the outgoing and the incoming seasons. He told me that the season going is the season of the revelation of the true “State of the Union”, and the season coming will be the season of repentance and of turning back to God, prior to Jesus return in Glory.

Hallelujah – come Lord Jesus.


  1. Chris I believe you have had a word from God. I pray that everyone gets to read this and acts on it as if our survival depends on it because certainly, our Spiritual survival does. Bless you brother in The name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  2. Hi Chris,

    I previously posted a rather lengthy comment that seemed to go through, but now it's disappeared. Could you check the comments "spam box" to see if it's there? A blogger bug sometimes redirects legit comments as spam.



  3. OK, I'll try again and I'll make it shorter.

    I don't doubt your sincerity Chris and I don't doubt that America will come under judgment, but every time a Christian says, "I heard from the Lord", they seem to assume that A.) I'll know exactly what that means and how it works and B.) that I'll accept the statement as a fact. I don't.

    I've "heard from the Lord" on three occasions I am sure of: twice in dreams and once a feeling of peace came over me while I was praying during a troubled period of my life (I can't say how I'm so's a completely subjective experience). No audible words. No sentences and paragraphs. It wasn't like a conversation with a friend over coffee. Just feelings when I was praying and images in the dreams.

    Yet you make it sound as if you and God sit down at your kitchen table and casually discuss these matters over tea. Do you hear an audible voice? Does He "speak" inside your head?

    I'm not trying to be insulting or belittling, but just how does this work? Anybody can say "God told me such-and-thus" but why are all other Christians supposed to automatically accept such a statement from anyone who says it and not ask any questions?

    There have been too many people who have put on the title of "Prophet" and who have later turned out to be false (I'm not speaking of you, Chris). I am rather dubious at simply accepting as truth everyone's statement that God spoke with them while they were shaving in the morning.


  4. Dear James

    Thank you so very much for such a beautifully honest reaction and enquiry. Let’s take it from the top shall we? First we are all told to weigh every prophecy and to discern the truth or otherwise of it for ourselves. So I actually do not assume you will accept whatever I say I have heard from God without question. In fact you MUST discern for yourself two things.

    1 – is the prophecy in line with scripture?

    2 – If so, is it true.

    Much of this decision making process comes with experience – the more you exercise the gift the better and more accurate it becomes. For you, as one who treats all prophecy with a large pinch of circumspection, this means you question or test everything – and thats fine. How do you decide it’s right or true – well you test it in your own spirit. If there is a little ‘flag’ waving and saying ‘doubt’ then ask others for their opinion – except it’s no use asking one who does not believe in prophecy as he will always pooh-pooh it.

    How does it work for me – well amazingly you got close when you asked if I sit down with God over a cup of tea. I have heard an audible voice, I see visions, I have dreams – day or night dreams, the Spirit prompts me when I see a scripture or hear someone say something – there are all manner of ways of hearing from God. As you are expected to test what I say prophetically to you, so I have to test that which I think I hear from God. I often ask Him if I heard Him correctly and – yes, thats when it becomes a ‘kitchen chat’ as you put it.

    I hope this all helps a little.

    Bless you my dear friend

