Saturday 20 August 2011

You are NEVER the wrong age for God

Not too young and not too old

My very favourite Bible verse is Joshua 13:1. Why? Because, in my opinion, it displays God’s sense of humour – I can almost hear the tone of voice in which it was delivered and the smile that went with it. Add to that humour the fact that God also spoke this verse to me one time when we were discussing me starting a ministry. Here’s what He quoted to me - Joshua 13:1 (NKJV) “Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the LORD said to him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed.”

Now I have learned over the years that God talks to me in my language. He talks my kind of talk. He uses expressions that I will immediately understand. He uses straightforward words and phrases that I use every day – without the unsanctified technical terms I use such, for example, as I used the other day when a mouse trap shut on my thumb. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.

He pointed to this verse then He said to me, “You think you are too old to start serving me but, like Joshua, you are never too old to be of use to Me.” This amazed me until He showed me pictures of old saints whom I knew to be serving Him well into old age. Then He showed me people like William Booth – well into his 80’s and blind – but serving God to the last. Then came Booth’s grand-daughter Catherine Bramwell-Booth who was on TV testifying to the Lord in her 102nd year. Next came my personal Christian hero, Smith Wigglesworth in his late 80’s – a man who straddled the globe many times in an era when travel was a seriously tedious business. Several more followed – all saint in their 80’s or 90’s. Men like Arthur Burt still serving faithfully at 99 and, as far as I know, with no plans to stop.

Then the Lord surprised me a little when He asked me, “At what ages do you think you should start and stop serving Me?” I replied that, “The world sees working as an age 16-65 stretch although you have shown me, Lord, that there seems to be no upper limit.” Barely had that thought settled in my mind than my wife started playing a YouTube clip of a 4 year old preacher – that’s right FOUR years old and he was pretty good too. “Oh”, was all I could say. Isn’t it wonderful how the Lord so often gives us the answer with His questions to us?

So let me encourage you. You are never too young or too old to be of use in the Kingdom of God. All God looks for is a willing heart – one who will do His bidding; one who will say what He asks us to say. At junior school, you can witness to your classmates. At senior school you can join any Christian activity, club, or society as well as witnessing to your peers. At university you can do the same while so many of your peers go out carousing, drinking, and partying. I am not saying that for one second it is easy – I am saying that with God’s help you can do these things.

At work as singles, young marrieds, empty nesters or whatever, you can always witness through word and deed to those around you. As retirees, if you think that God has finished with you – think again. Wigglesworth was 56 before he entered into his ministry and look what he achieved for God – and he had over 30 years to do it too.

So take heart – you are never too young and never too old for God’s Kingdom work.

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