Sunday 21 August 2011

When Jesus Comes Again - A Question

When Jesus Comes

Here’s a question for you. What will you do when Jesus comes in Glory – this time to collect His Bride? What a fascinating question! It’s one of those questions that we all avoid. If asked the direct question – most of us tend to shuffle our feet and look around for someone to ‘rescue’ us. That’s an embarrassing question isn’t it? Some of you, no doubt, will already be bouncing up and down like excited 7 year olds shouting, “I know exactly what I will do. Please sir, let me answer.” (Oh the schoolboy memories :-) What will your initial reaction be? “Aaach – I’m not ready!”?? Very few, I suspect will shout an immediate, “Hallelujah”. Most will instantly worry whether or not they “made the cut” – to use a golfing term.

OK – let’s assume we did indeed make the cut, as it were. THEN, I suggest there will be a great deal of Hallelujah-ing, if you’ll forgive me inventing a word to suit the occasion. What a party eh? Millions, one assumes, of our brothers and sisters having an enormous praise party with the Lord – singing, dancing, and most of all, praising God. Never a thought for those we left behind?? Hmmm – not too sure about that because in heaven there is no pain, no regret, no weeping for the lost – or is there? -weeping I mean. The Bible does not mention that God actually weeps, but I am sure He wept as Jesus died. I am sure He weeps over each lost sinner. Read many prophecies and God weeps over us and over the situations into which we get ourselves. Yet Jesus says there will be no more tears, no more pain. I cannot imagine leaving friends and especially family behind with NO regrets. That’s hard, but maybe this is where we will just have to trust Him?

OK – that will have got you thinking a little bit. Now let me ask you an even more immediate question. If Jesus comes tomorrow – I wonder, what will you do? Some of the words of that wonderful song, ‘I can only imagine’ spring to mind here.

"I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side...
I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me!
I can only imagine. I can only imagine.

Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine! I can only imagine! “

Copyright: ©1999 MercyMe

So – the question remains – what will you do, what will you think, what will you feel if Jesus comes tomorrow? Please do give it some thought – He may be here very soon now. All the signs of the times point to it.

Maybe even tomorrow!

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