Friday 1 July 2011

Speaking up and speaking out

May I speak a word for all Christians everywhere please?

I, apparently, am one of the ‘great unwashed’, the Conservative Bible believing Christian minority, but I will not be silenced by the liberal army, nor by the politically correct people who increasingly influence our lives.

Jesus IS Lord. He is my Lord, and His Words are true and reliable for today and for ever.

Why should I not speak out against those who pervert justice – mostly to their own evil ends. Why should I not speak out against the immoral dictates of a legal system as corrupt as the political system. Why should I not believe what I want to believe, and to say so against the rising tide and clamour of those who believe otherwise and want who say they want to kill me in order to get to their version of heaven.

Why should I not speak out against laws that corrupt justice and deprive the widow and orphan of even basic necessities because they cannot afford to fight the system. Why should I not fight for the right to have prayers said in our schools – schools where my grandchildren are going to receive what the system calls an education but what I call a travesty of moral bankruptcy.

Why should I not fight for the lives of the unborn – the next generation who’s despairing mother is told that its inconvenient to have babies. “Abort them and get on with your own life.” What selfishness we teach each other.

Yet - what Life there is in following Jesus. What life there is in His Word. What peace there is in trusting Him and believing Him for all things in your life. No it isn’t going to be all roses round the door. No it’s not going to be all sweetness and light. Following Jesus is not easy, it’s not the easy option. We have to take up our cross daily. We have to die in our own strength in order to live in His strength.

Does this mean a complete abrogation of our responsibilities? Not at all; in fact we take on more responsibility when we follow Jesus because we have to be light and salt to the world – which means we have to show the world the way to live good clean righteous lives.

I will fight to my last breath for my right, and the rights of all those who believe with me, to speak out against those who would silence the moral majority and against the corrupt – be it spiritual, moral, political, or legal corruption. Oh for a hundred more Wesley’s, Whitfield’s, Finney’s, Roberts’s, Graham’s and Bonnke’s – men who will set the world alight with the flames of revival and who will not flinch before the bullying few who would silence them for whatever reason.


  1. Chris, once again you nailed it. We need to stand up for our faith. We need to make our voice and the voice of our Lord heard. We do that through action. We cannot stand by and watch. Romans 14:16-17 Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. --Blessings

  2. Bless you El, once again your encouragement is so valued and so important to me.
