Sunday 3 July 2011

A Word on UNITY + An Explanation

Word/vision received 3 July 2011

I heard a scraping sound and a rumbling like the sound of many feet walking, marching. I asked the Lord what it was?

He said nothing but I saw huge walls cracking and crumbling and falling. As each one fell, a shout of victory went up. There was dust everywhere but still the Lord said nothing. The sounds, the noise went on and as each wall came down there was an increasing shout – a roar from an unseen crowd.

Finally the Lord spoke, “What do you hear?” I told Him all that I heard.

“What is it?” He asked me.

“It sounds like an army of workers tearing down walls.” I replied.

As I said this, I caught a glimpse of the old Berlin wall coming down! “Like this?”, the Lord asked. “No,” I said, “I see ancient stone walls, like I imagine Jericho to have been, stone walls being torn down stone by stone.” “So, what is it that you are seeing?” the Lord asked again. Like Ezekiel before me, I replied, “You alone know, Lord,”

“What you are seeing are the barriers and walls that have fragmented My army falling down. As each wall comes down. So the two parts of my army join together and become one bigger army.” “But what are these walls?” I asked.

The Lord smiled, “Good question.” He replied. “They are the barriers of colour, of politics, of denomination, of national pride, of prejudice, and of language. They are any wall that caused a rift in My army.”

“Legalism, tradition, avarice, jealousy, beliefs, teaching, theology – all the things that have stopped My church being the unstoppable army I want it to be.”

“The walls being demolished are causing My army to unite. The coming season can only be faced in unity between brothers and sisters – and I am tearing down anything that stops unity.”

“I am tearing down and shaking until I have the unity I need.”

Hallelujah – Thank you Lord \o/

Unity 2

The first part of this blog was a Word the Lord gave me about how He will have unity among His people. The Lord began impressing upon me what His Word truly meant for the church. What does it say in Isaiah 55:8-9 ?? “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

There have been many prophecies in recent years, given about shaking that which was considered unshakeable. Indeed, the church is presently being shaken in ways which would have defied credibility a few years ago. Many, including me, have believed that the shaking was all part of a clean up process the Lord is putting the church through. A refining to rid the church of blemishes which both bring Him into disrepute and the church into disarray and, quite honestly, thoroughly deserved derision.

Now the Lord is pointing out that this is but the beginning – after all, He did say that judgement would start with the church didn’t He? 1 Peter 4:17 NIV UK “For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

That being so – what is to come now? Well I believe that there is more and greater shaking to come. This time it will not be to weed out the bad apples in our barrel but this time it will be to remove those who stubbornly refuse to have anything to do with those they consider to be in error or in sin. Jesus said to hate the sin but to love the sinner yet there are many who sit in judgement over their fellow men in church.

God is saying that enough is enough. It is time first to clean up His Bride and then to destroy the barriers that separate and divide the Church. Psalm 133:1 says “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” Then Jesus said in John 17:23 “ May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

So it would appear that the shaking, the tearing down of walls, the fall out of some or many of the ‘big’ ministries, is not just the preparation of the Bride of Christ but also the unification of the Bride prior to Jesus return.

If I am right, then this is a stark warning to the church and a sure sign to the world that Jesus is returning very soon.


  1. Beautiful! Thank you so much for this post : )

  2. Hi. You know, I was led to this by accident when I was googling about the song Hosanna by Brooke Fraser... Everything that you've said to this blog... just amazed me. I'd like to say it in details but I think all I can do is share with you God's message through this book True Life in God.

    you can download the messages also through my scribd account

    please read through them... just read and find out more about unity.. the way God sees it... unity will be in our hearts and not of a written agreement or signed treaty!

    I believe it was God who led me to your blog. :)

    Yes it's about time to unite His Church. to have His Bride complete and one for His return!! :) God bless you brother!!!
