Saturday 24 September 2011

Chaos & Strife

Chaos and Strife

We all know the feeling, don’t we? You are sitting there idly watching TV, not paying much attention, when suddenly . . . . . The Lord interrupts everything with a thought so startling that it stops you in your tracks and it literally forces you to think about it. It’s not as though you want to think about it either. It is a thought so brimming with urgency and immediacy that you have to start thinking about it. So, what was it that God presented to me then ???

“Can you imagine what will happen in the world when I rapture the church?” Oh WOW! I have never even considered anything like this – so I asked the Lord to help me a bit.

“Think about this. One minute everything is normal. Suddenly, “in the twinkling of an eye” is what My Word says, millions of people simply disappear! People disappear from their desks at work. They are gone from their homes. One minute they are talking to you and they simply disappear.” He went on, “Houses are suddenly empty – no one there, full of furniture and goods, full of food, maybe even money, and the people are GONE. Shops suddenly without workers, maybe without the owner or the boss. Schools without teachers.”

“But Lord”, I said, “What about all the babies? What will happen to them?” He answered, “What is it to you what happens to all the babies? Shall I leave them behind or shall I take them with their mother or father? If I take them with their father but leave their mother behind – what then?” I could see frantic mothers and fathers searching for the family that was there a moment ago – panic etched in every atom of their being.

I could suddenly see mobs roaming around looting Christians homes just because they were now empty. I could see them looting empty shops – fighting ‘patch’ wars over who now controls their area or ‘patch’. I could see people in despair as their work closed and their money suddenly dried up. Governments in turmoil not knowing what to do or which way to turn. I could also see a whole new meaning to the expressions ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.

It suddenly dawned on me and I think the Lord smiled as His message got through. When He comes to get us, we will leave behind chaos and strife of a magnitude we cannot begin to understand or imagine. No wonder the Bible calls this period the Great Tribulation. It is not going to be pretty. It will be a period of terrible chaos and strife. Lawlessness will be widespread. I see a kind of order returning as essential supplies are resumed.

Imagine the possible numbers involved. I am guessing but I imagine that Western Europe could lose up to 5% of their population, say 25 million people. America the same – thats around a further 16 million. Africa, Asia, and all the rest will bring the total up to 3-400 million people – all disappearing in a heartbeat of time. Can you imagine the chaos. If the Lord takes the babies as well, the number could be vast – up to 600 million? I am guessing – I am trying to describe something I do not begin to comprehend.

Let me simply finish with this. When the Lord comes to take His Bride, I do not want to be left behind. The chaos and strife of the great tribulation is too much for me to imagine and all I know is that I don’t want to be there when it happens. I don’t want my kids or grandkids to be there. I don’t want any relatives to be there. I don’t want my friends to be there. I don’t want anyone at all to be there.

Lord help me to spread your Gospel to all those around me while there is time. Their choice will be their choice but my conscience will be clear because I will have told them about you.

“Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

1 comment:

  1. Amen Chris....the only way we can ensure survival of a post-raptured world, would be to make sure we are raptured ourselves!
