Monday 5 September 2011

My Kind of Church

Desperate for What?

If you were to be confronted by God, how would you answer this question – What or where is your desperation? What is it for which you are absolutely desperate? Think on it before you try to answer.

Our pastor was recently asked this question. It was phrased a little differently but it was essentially the same question. His question was even more direct. “I see your heart. I know you. What sort of a church do you want to build? I will back you and we will build it together?” It must have seemed rather like we imagine Solomon felt when the Lord asked him what he wanted most. Solomon could have asked for just about anything yet he asked for wisdom and the Lord gave him everything he could have asked for as well as wisdom.

Our pastor answered thus

1. I want to build a church of influence – not a mega-church. A church in size, perhaps, disproportionate to the size of town we are in. After all, it doesn’t need to be huge - 12 people once turned the world upside down.

2. A church where the lost are saved

3. A church where the not-yet Christians can be brought to a knowledge of God

4. A church where the lonely, the poor, and the vulnerable are the priority.

Now I just happen to think that was a ‘Solomon’ answer but it is also an answer that represents the man’s priority and his desperation for more of God. I, for one, want to be in a church like that. A church that preaches AND acts the Gospel. A church that reaches out to the lost. A church that focuses more on the poor and vulnerable than it does on the ‘big givers’. A church that is ultimately a church where God can build His habitation – where His presence is known, revered, and treasured. A church where the Glory cloud is welcomed – whatever the cost.

Last night we had five baptisms and after the service, a young man whom the church has taken to its heart, gave his life to the Lord. There were quite a few tears and a lot of joy last night. You could feel the party going on in heaven.

That’s the sort of church I want to be a part of – a church that reflects a bit of God’s love for ALL of us. This is a church for which I have yearned for years but not found until now. I thank and praise God for bringing me here.

Is this your desperation too, I wonder? If so – keep looking. We cannot be unique – there must be a similar church somewhere near you too?


  1. These blogs/this vision seems to be an appeal for constant prayer and plan forgetting so as to just get behind what Jesus is doing ~ Jn 5:19..wadya think Chris???

  2. It could be that, Geoff, and it could also be one of the most radical pieces of thinking by the church in near on 2000 years. After all, doing what Jesus did instead of implementing our own plans ????? That is fairly radical wouldn't you say? I just dont know where all of this will lead - I just have a great big positive witness to it all in my spirit.

  3. Been thinking Geoff, Maybe this vision is one I have been thinking about for a while but I’ve never committed it to print per sé. Maybe the best thing to do IS to give up all our plans and all our programs in favour only of what God wants for us and from us. Then again maybe thats not too clever either. We have feeding programs which are run in conjunction with the local authorities. We have an advocacy program for those incapable of representing themselves. Would the Lord want us to stop them? I somehow doubt that because they demonstrate His love far better than any words will ever do. SO what will happen when revival comes? I think that only those programs and plans that are not as important to God as they are to us will go but the rest will stay. Still – I love the idea of giving Him totally free rein to lead us as He wants and not as we want. That is something that really does excite me. That is what really lights my fire. :-))

  4. hmm ..Chris ..yep EXCITING THIS IS ..have you checked out linked to my Snacks this week..he is also saying EXACTLY this re 'the life support programmes' ..I suspect they are MT 25 but unless they are also yours can keep heading towards Jn 5;19 & those charged with their ministries must also reconcile them in light of Jn 5:19 .. waddya reckin??

  5. amen.....I want to be a part of a church that doesn't preach to those in attendance and who are already saved, as much as to those in the world that aren't saved yet.....
