Thursday 1 August 2013

1984 and all that


In 1945, a man called Eric Arthur Blair, aka George Orwell, wrote a prophetic book entitled 1984. Blair was not, as far as I can see, a Christian although he was for a short while involved helping out at his local church. Politically, his leanings were more communist and socialist than anything else. So why do I label his book as prophetic? Did not God use a mystic, Balaam, and his donkey, to prophesy blessings over the Israelites?

It is rare for me to comment politically, other than my general dislike of politics, but when I look at America today, and very likely the UK in 5 years time, I see the prophecies of ‘1984’ coming frighteningly true. Biblically, it is like the build up to a terrible season of tribulation, or persecution by any other name. Truth is either twisted, perverted, or otherwise presented as evil, while lies are presented as good. Truth is denied and ignored, while lies are praised, applauded, and lauded. Men of good reputation are vilified while rogues are celebrated.

What is going on?

Heaven is preparing to send Jesus back for His Bride, at which point Holy Spirit will be withdrawn, the Man of Iniquity/the Antichrist will be revealed and the great tribulation begins. Kinda scary isn’t it? This is no prophecy. Rather it is an observation about the outworking and maybe fulfillment of earlier prophetic output, including the book, “1984”.

If you were to ask me what I see prophetically right now, I would say very little different to most other prophets. The signs are that Jesus is coming very soon for His Bride and the world is plunging, even plummeting towards financial meltdown and probable days of the beast, 666 being written on every person in order for them to buy or sell anything. Days of chaos and martial law, days of such unimaginable immorality, days of the breakdown of society as we know it. Christians must be aware and must be praying continually for all ‘not-yet-Christians’.

Dark days certainly, but we are kept by the Blood of the Lamb. Our hope is in Christ Jesus and Him crucified and risen again and all that means for us. Do not boast about us being raptured, rather weep for the lost and try to gather as many to Christ as we can. We were reminded of this just today when a friend of ours from our outreach program died suddenly. The last contact we had with him was in prayer last Monday. We simply planted the seed again and again and left the rest in God’s hands. But we look forward to meeting him again some time in the future – in heaven of course.

“1984” is a growing reality for all Christians today, all over the world. Don’t ‘pooh-pooh’ it and don’t minimise it. These really are the end time days and the end “draweth nigh”. Do not be complacent but work harder than ever before to attract those who don’t yet know Him to our Lord Jesus because God would that none were lost.

Use your God-given authority – the devil must flee from you – and bring the Glory of God to the church once more.

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