Sunday 11 August 2013

Stop it - You're Killing Me

Stop it, You’re Killing Me

How many times have we said something like this, “Stop it, you’re killing me!” when sharing a joke or even some other fun moment. It is nearly always accompanied by tears and squeals of laughter. It is the remark that usually seals a time of great merriment and enjoyment and it is at that moment that the joyful memory is sealed too.

We have the great privilege of attending a particularly joyful wedding this weekend and I expect there to be much laughter and love, creating a memorable day for everyone present. Certainly, I expect the joy in heaven to equal, if not surpass, the joy here on earth.

Yet, in heaven, they are preparing for another wedding. The Groom is concerned about the readiness of His beautiful Bride as she prepares herself for the great day. Sadly, the preparations are not going as smoothly as expected. In fact the Groom is distressed because the Bride has got side-tracked in her preparations. She can be heard groaning, “Stop it, you’re killing me!” One who would prevent the wedding is interfering with the intent of destroying the Bride altogether.


He is assailing the Bride with all kinds of lies, rumours, and gossip. He is spreading all kinds of false tittle-tattle to cause the Bride to doubt her destiny as the Bride of the King of Kings. He is undermining confidence and spreading discontent. The Bride has become greedy and has forgotten her calling. She has accepted all manner of false claims upon her time and purpose. Yet she also realises what is happening and cries out, with heart wrenching passion, “Stop it, you’re killing me!”

Oh, that the Bridegroom would come and rescue her from her assailant. He has promised to come to collect her but she has no idea when this may be. All she knows is that it appears to be getting very close to that time – but she hesitates; she is still unsure. All she can hear is the cries of the liars, and gossips, and rumour-mongers. She is so confused.

Can the Bridegroom’s Father not send His emissaries to warn her and assure her of His intentions? We will all have to wait for that answer, just as we will all have to await the Bridegroom’s arrival. All any of us can do is to make sure that we are prepared and ready when He calls for us to go join Him.

How many will miss out by not being ready?

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