Saturday 14 April 2012

The Fun of the Fair?

Roll up, Roll up

Anyone remember the old time fairground barkers? “Roll up, Roll up, come and see the strongest man in the world” or whatever. These guys used to attract hundreds of people to whichever particular fairground booth they were promoting that day. Successful they were, too. Many good folk, maybe even gullible folk, parted with their few cents to see, or hear, the ‘attraction’ – often little more than an ordinary person doing or pretending to be something not really very extraordinary – just trying to earn some kind of living.

The point was that their ‘advertising’ worked, didn’t it?. Many thousands of people filed through the old booths, each paying their few cents which in turn paid both the barker and the artiste. In fact, most of them made a pretty good living at it. Then later we moved on to the giant advertising hoardings. You saw them outside every town advertising some gargantuan event or another. The posters would shout to all who glanced at them, “Coming Soon”, or “Coming to a place near you very soon”. Then they would advertise whatever enormous event was coming – usually a pop star or a boxing match or even a famous speaker or preacher.

Perhaps we need something similar today? How should we draw people’s attention to the fact that Jesus is coming again soon? How would you prepare the populace for such an event? “Roll up, roll up. Jesus is coming to a place near you very soon. He’s been here before, and, by popular demand and to fulfil His promise, He’s on His way back again.” Doesn’t seem likely to draw much attention does it? Well, how about this then? “Miracle man Jesus of Nazareth is coming once more. Thrill again to His miracles. Gasp in amazement as the blind see and the lame walk. Bring your Lazarus along and see him raised from the dead.” Hmmm – don’t think so somehow. Like the fairground barkers of old, it just doesn’t ring true. People may be intrigued, but they will only come out of curiosity – nothing else. There’s nothing compelling about the advertising is there?

So, we have a problem – as the famous Apollo moon mission once reported. I think it’s time to stop simply telling folk about Jesus. It is time to start demonstrating Him, His love, and His power through Holy Spirit. As the old sales training manuals stress, “Telling isn’t selling”. People no longer believe everything they are told. They require a demonstration and a good one at that. The younger generation in particular, need to be shown rather than told. It’s only the very young who receive everything and take it at face value. Perhaps it is time for another Elijah to call another meeting on another Mount Carmel. Perhaps it is time to challenge people with the question – “Which one is God? Is it your god (money, work, team, pop star, or whatever) - or is it the God of creation?” Perhaps it is time to confront people with the reality of His power to heal, to convict, or to save?

Jesus is coming again, and very probably it will be soon. Time to warn people. As scripture says so often – “Let he who has ears hear and let he who can see, understand.”

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