Wednesday 26 June 2013

Been there, seen it, Done it

Bin there, Seen it, Dun it Ministry

I had a common enough experience in church today. During ministry time, a lady who has just lost her husband to cancer came somewhat tearfully to the front for prayer. I was a “catcher”, so I was able to hear a little of what was prayed for her, and I just wanted to give her a great big hug and tell her it would turn out all right in the end.

You see, I have had that very same life experience. I lost my wife to cancer. I grieved and went through the same process she is now embarked upon. I got angry with God as well as with Satan. I felt the depths of loneliness and had many “Why, God?” moments. I was resentful of those still with their spouses. This was when God birthed a “Bin there Seen it Dun it Ministry” in me.

Why are we so slow or even reticent about stepping up when someone, particularly a fellow Christian, is hurting? Life can be bad enough when bad things happen, but our inclination is to shy away and “leave them alone”, preferring to say nothing. Yet an understanding and sympathetic ear and voice can be so very comforting to those who are hurting. OK, it has to be done properly, and ministry rules about one on one, or different sex ministry apply even more than usual.

There is just something about talking to one who has walked the path you are now walking; one who has been through the anger, the grief, the fear of the future and all that goes with experiences like this. The idea of setting a ‘thief to catch a thief’ can apply to ministry just as well as it can apply to a security consultancy. There is no situation in life comes to Christians that either hasn’t come to everyone, or that another Christian hasn’t been through. There is always someone who has indeed been there, seen that, done that, and worn the T-shirt.

Jesus said about doing for others as you would have them do for you. There is nowhere quite so lonely as being in a crowd and no-one speaking to you because they don’t know what to say or even how to start the conversation. The Bible tells us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15. It also tells us that “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

I think it is time for the “Bin there, Seen it, Dun it Ministry” in every church. It’s for everyone and not just Christians. It’s a gift of love to the hurting.


  1. Replies
    1. Yet how many are so very shy about using it as a testimony. Bless you Hugh :-)
