Saturday 28 July 2012

Between Rock and a Hard Place

Rock and Hard Place

Ever been between a rock and a hard place? I have a couple of times – am now as it happens. Many of us have been there, and got the t-shirt. Jesus was several times. At least that’s what the Pharisees thought when they brought the woman caught in adultery to him. If He condemns her, he is one of us and no different. If He ‘forgives’ her, then He is a heretic, outside the law, and blaspheming against God’s Law.

The disciples must have felt they were between a rock and a hard place. First when Jesus sent them out with the words, “Take no cloak, no sandals, no money, etc . . . . . just rely on the people you stay with in each town.” Then again, when Jesus was arrested and put on trial. I would not have liked to be there at that moment. Torn between knowing Him and suffering the crowd’s anger and contempt, or not knowing Him and suffering the guilt afterwards. I mean, can you imagine the dilemma?

“Do we own Jesus or not? This is so confusing – why doesn’t He do something, say something, produce a miracle – show these people who He really is? Oh my goodness, what’s Peter up to? He’s arguing with that girl by the fire. Oh, wait a moment; she’s leaving him alone now. Oh no – not again. He’s getting quite angry but it seems to have worked. Phew – that was close. Aarrgh – not again – get out of there Peter. Oh dear, he’s lost it completely. Shouting and swearing now – not good at all. But he seems to have satisfied them. Thank God for that.”

Just then the cock crowed !! They all remembered Jesus’ words to Peter about denying Him three times. Problem was, Peter had placed himself in that position; he’d taken that step too far; he’d gotten too close. He got caught out. Rock one side – hard place the other side. What’s a fella supposed to do? He was frightened, scared, worried for both Jesus and himself. I ask you – what was he supposed to say ?? Like I said – rock and hard place.

Everyday life presents us with fairly similar situations. Do you intervene when your kids get in a fight? You risk them being crushed because you left them to it, or being mortified because you intervened in order to ‘help’ them – when they certainly didn’t want you to help. Do you say something when two people get into a fight in the store? After all, “A soft answer turns away wrath.” Do you say anything at work when someone is treated unjustly – thereby putting yourself in the firing line?

Life is so full of choices, Lord – help us take the wise course, the course of justice and mercy. The course of love. Help us choose as Jesus would choose.


  1. Great post. I am always debating this very topic, and your right may the Lord help us to choose as Jesus would. Thanks for these inspiring words. God bless!
