Friday 6 July 2012

Coming Soon

Coming to a place near you soon

Eschatology is a big word that frightens many people, so let’s just say, the Second Coming or the return of Christ for His Bride. I am not an expert on this but I am a watchman who is on the alert for what Jesus termed “the signs of the times”. He was referring to a time in the future when He would return in the clouds to take His Bride, the church.

There were many prophecies regarding this event and, to my knowledge, there are just about 2 remaining to be fulfilled. The first is the rebuilding of the temple in Israel. The second is the requirement for a pure kosher red heifer to be supplied for the sacrifice. Is the temple rebuilding an absolute requirement for the rapture or is it a requirement for the judgemental return of Christ upon the Mount of Olives? This depends if you believe in the rapture at all, and then if it occurs before, during, or after the great tribulation. My personal view is that the rapture will occur and before any tribulation starts.

There are many around who believe none of this at all but there are vast numbers who have no idea, have never read anything or received any teaching on it all. So, for those who have ears to hear, the day is coming soon, when Christ will come for His Bride, the Rapture, and many will be left behind because of their disbelief or because of their shepherds lack of teaching to the flock. Harsh – yes. True – yes. More importantly, do you believe it or not.

As I said earlier, I believe that the Rapture is coming very soon so I speak about it as fact. I also believe I am a watchman, so I take my mission statement from Ezekiel 33. God says that if I see something and do not warn people, then I am responsible for the results. If, however, I see things and give the warnings, then whether or not people heed my warning, I have done what is required of me and I am not responsible for the results – the people I warn are themselves responsible for their own decisions based upon warnings and information received by them. Don’t get me wrong. I do care but I am not responsible for your decisions. This perhaps is one of the reasons a prophet or watchman is not particularly popular.

In saying that the Rapture is almost upon us, some of us will almost certainly jump into judgement mode. That is not our job. Our job is to discern and encourage, to edify and to continue to fulfil the great commission of making disciples of all men. Jesus said that he who is not against us is for us, and that by our fruit shall we know one another. Also that by our love will we be known by unbelievers. So until the great day of Rapture, our sole job is to love one another and to make disciples.

Make no mistake – Jesus is coming again soon but in the meantime, we need to continue our God-given tasks of spreading the Gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons.

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