Monday 16 July 2012

Old Means Experienced

Old Flames

An older man loves his wife with a depth and passion that perhaps younger people cannot relate to. She reciprocates that love, too. It’s funny, but as you grow older, love changes from the urgent passion of youth to a wonderful peaceful passion known only to those who have been together a long time, or who raised their generation of children and are onto the next, even younger generation, or even the one after that.

It is a love that cannot easily be explained. There is much more wisdom, understanding, and peaceful acceptance involved. It has a depth that rivals that of the teenage or twenty somethings, yet has none of the harshness sometimes displayed. For example, there is a tremendous bond without a hint of the jealousy that often invades more youthful love. There is a greater trust, and a greater and deeper fondness that comes with later life. Oh sure, there is a jealousy underlying things but it can only be evoked by stupidity and misunderstanding – usually on both parties.

There is a softness and a tenderness that comes with age too. It is often, sadly, unspoken but expressed by a touch, a squeezed hand, a little hug. There is a bond too that is nearly always unspoken because it doesn’t need explaining. Husband and wife are so confident of each other’s love that that can sit in silence and still enjoy each other’s company. There is a strength in each other that seems only to grow as we get older. I guess it’s called trust.

There is a wonderful ‘new’ love that comes and grows as the next generation has its own children. The relationship and bond between the very young and the “very” old is one of the most precious known to mankind.

So when you see an older couple being tender towards one another, or being attentive, or holding hands, please don’t say, “Ain’t it sweet.” It’s not sweet, it is love – good, old-fashioned, solid, experienced love. Love born of a few years more than most observers have lived. Love that has lasted, is lasting, and will last into eternity. Often there is a faith that goes with this love too. A faith and trust in Jesus that He has prepared a mansion for them in heaven because they are “good and faithful servants” of God, as well as being just older people.

So please don’t throw away the experience, the life skills, and good old-fashioned common sense of the older generation. Rather accept it as a pool of wisdom and love that need not be lost until the Lord calls them home.

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