Tuesday 24 July 2012

Devotion to God & each other


An older couple in our church, both 82, came to the Lord last year and were baptised together last November. The lady had a suspected minor heart attack one Sunday morning at church and was taken into hospital as a precaution. Two days later we took hubby to the hospital to pick her up again. Our prayers had been answered \o/ It was their diamond wedding this week, they’ve known each other for 68 years, and a big party was given on Saturday. Joyce, the lady, witnessed throughout her hospital stay, telling every doctor and nurse how she was praying for them individually, and also for her release so she could be home for the anniversary and for Saturdays celebration. Bevan, her hubby, sat in the car and was whistling and singing all the way to the pickup. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a devoted old couple. It was heart-warmingly good to see them together again.

That is the human side of devotion. Love knows no barriers and is often dismayed by separation. Yet God’s love for us is just as devoted, more so in fact, despite us being separated from Him while we stay here on earth. I know other couples, just as devoted to both God and their own marriage as these two. Absolutely devoted to each other and to the God they serve so faithfully. I would even like to think that my wife and I are similar to this, too.

There comes a point in our relationship with God, when we realise that “everything” surrendered to Him really does mean everything. The moment arrives, perhaps subconsciously, when we take the step of commitment. Often, as in my own case, one partner (my wife) is waiting for the partner to join them in that position. It is a struggle to get there, believe me. The doubts and fears, the ‘what if’ type questions that spring to mind, all make that final step of faith all but impossible in the human mind. Yet God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, comes alongside and walks with us as we struggle. He encourages us by His Spirit, and the feeling of peace, love and security that almost overwhelms us when the decision is finally grasped and made, is amazing. That is when devotion is offered and accepted by both God and ourselves.

May I urge you all, dear precious brothers and sisters, if you haven’t already done so, to make this decision to commit everything you are and everything you have to the Lord today. Every small hidden closet of your lives together – family, job, finance, health, and church – everything must come under His tender and loving care.

It is so easy to say but so hard to take that step. Yet once you’ve taken the step you will wonder why you didn’t do so years ago. God loves you. He is devoted to you and He asks for your devotion to Him too. He will not chastise you if you don’t but He will continually demonstrate His side of the agreement if you do. You can’t out give Him and you can’t out love Him. All you can do is accept Him as He accepts you.

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