Sunday 16 September 2012


Redefining Marriage

 I rarely speak out on political issues but so much bizarre nonsense has been said about this on Facebook so ....

Political correctness has truly gone too far. The latest UK government proposals to redefine marriage to include same-sex marriages is an abomination to all that I hold dear. Already, good Christian folk are being forced out of jobs because of their views on the sanctity of the Biblical definition of marriage. The existing civil liberty problems will get much worse if marriage is redefined, which is why these unpopular and divisive plans must be dropped altogether.

Just a few of the problems can be summed up in these short points

Meddling with the meaning of marriage will damage our civil liberty and harm freedom of conscience. Crazy political correctness has already proven itself to be racist, sexist, and ageist – while purporting to be exactly the opposite. All of us have the same personal human rights – including preferences of religion, sex, colour, race, and to employ based solely upon experience and training.

People shouldn't be forced out of their jobs just because they believe in traditional marriage. Already, here in the UK, we have well publicised examples of people forced out of jobs or otherwise discriminated against simply on the grounds of their opinions and religious views. You just try to make a Muslim become a same-sex registrar or even perform the ceremony.

The opinions of parents should be respected in schools, not ignored. To insist on teaching ALL children in Christian schools about the wonders of same sex relationships and marriage, whilst allowing children in schools of other faiths to reject the teaching is clear religious discrimination. To further disallow any protests from parents of those children is simply to add insult to injury.

Teachers should keep political campaigns out of the classroom, and let children get on with their education.

Beliefs about gay marriage shouldn't be one of the criteria for holding public office. Yet faith is a test because “some people may be offended” by Christian views. What about testing suitability for public office based on experience and qualifications alone?

Foster carers shouldn't be rejected just because they support traditional marriage. It shouldn’t even be a question. Which ‘suitability criterion’ does the question satisfy – and how?

Chaplains in hospitals or the Armed Forces should be free to support traditional marriage without fear of losing their job. If you want a chaplain with certain “acceptable” beliefs then ask for one. Will Muslim clerics be subjected to the same rules? I very much doubt it.

These present plans, proposed by our government, to redefine marriage are unpopular and divisive, and should be/MUST be dropped. The vast majority of people actually don’t care very much about this issue. If they do – where are the protests. It is this public apathy which will carry the day for the law makers.

Many people feel the same way I do. I wonder how many of them will publicly support the view and how many will simply keep quiet rather than making a fuss.

All this shows that the Government is wrong to say that redefining marriage is just a 'modest change'. It is a fundamental change in attitude solely for the purposes of appeasing a small but very noisy minority. This is constitutionally a Christian country with Christian based laws and Christian values of  tolerance, respect, and compassion. This can only be changed through the ballot box, not by a few influential misguided and often bigoted politico’s.

I have just one defining question – Why will this law be applicable to one section of the community but not to another section? Put another way - Why will this change of law only affect those who do not profess the Muslim faith? Slightly different again, because we don’t yet know the final details – Why will this new marriage definition be forced upon only those who profess Christian faith?  

The law in any society is for ALL not just for some. Taxes are for ALL. All laws must be for ALL people regardless of any consideration of age, sex, preferences, faith, or anything else.

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