Sunday 25 March 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

What a day! Sun shining – outside for coffee – with friends – soaking up the first of this year’s real sunshine. Spring seems to be well and truly sprung. The air is filled with bird calls, especially the mating calls as individuals declare their presence, their territory, and their praises to God for a glorious day and just for being alive.

Hang on - but this is England, and we are not penalised for holding the ‘wrong’ beliefs, or for supporting the ‘wrong’ political view. This is England, where, despite there being a serious downturn in economic conditions, we can eat our fill daily, receive good medical treatment free of charge, drive virtually anywhere we want to go – just for our own relaxation and enjoyment. This is England where, despite all reports to the contrary, and new restrictions imposed daily, we can still believe anything we want to – including nothing if we wish – and we can meet freely and without too much legislation in our way. Our children go to our choice of schools, free from fear of bombs and rockets and terrorist attacks. Even free from the fear of earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, hurricanes and volcanoes.

Isn’t it about time we listed and thanked God for all our freedoms and all our blessings? We have food, we have health, we have some money – don’t you think it’s about time we thanked God for all these and a thousand more blessings besides? Should we not be thanking Him for all those things in our lives that we take so much for granted but which the rest of the world looks at in envy – perhaps wishing they had just one of our social benefits?

Oh Lord, forgive us our smug satisfaction and our presumption. Forgive us Lord for our taking without a single thought of thanks, and without any thought of where it will come from tomorrow.

We have so very much to be thankful for. So much that we take for granted. The world outside Europe and America must look on wondering what they have done wrong that we have so much yet they have so little – unless they are some of the rich folk in their country.

Yes Spring is here again and all is fairly well in the Western world. So can we just express a little attitude of gratitude? Can we not find a little thankfulness in our hearts and show our thanks to God? We have so much to smile about but you’d never believe it walking around our towns and cities. There is no gratitude – just an over emphasis on expectation of something more for nothing.

We live in a “Gimme Society” that takes and takes and takes without a single thought of giving something back – anything back really. Not even a thank you. Actually, we live in a society where, increasingly, if we don’t get it we either take it or sue someone for it – and the courts are stupidly giving in to it.

Try thanking God and praising Him today and see how much better you feel for praising God for something – especially for something for others rather than yourself.

Develop the attitude of gratitude.

Go on – just do it !!


  1. Amen, Sir! "Grateful" would be the name of the Christian if it was not "Christian". It is indeed an attitude.

    Have a nice day!

  2. Amen Chris....once again your words bless me! You don't feel you need to even ask for anything when you are full with contentment! While in jail, Paul was asked what he needed and he said..."I have all I need." God bless you Chris!
