Wednesday 7 March 2012

Children and Jesus


Jesus said, in Mark 10:15, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Have you ever considered this statement? I mean, really sat and thought about it? In all our Christianity, is there anything simpler than the way a child accepts Jesus, talks about Him, and generally reacts to Him, and with Him? To a 3 to 5 year old, the concept of Jesus is exactly the same as their concept of anything else that is new to them. They accept whatever you teach them.

It really is as simple as that.

We had an extraordinary healing at our church recently. One of the teachers was x-rayed at the hospital and told that her arm was broken. No doubt about it – there it was on the x-ray – broken. Two days later she went back to have it set properly and a new x-ray couldn’t even see where the break had been. They even x-rayed the other arm to make sure they hadn’t made a very simple mistake. Neither arm as broken. How did this happen?

The teacher had gone to her pre-school class of 3 and 4 year olds with her arm in a sling. One little girl asked what was wrong and when told, she responded by simply placing her little hand on the teachers arm and praying, “Please Jesus, will you heal teachers arm?” Guess what? Total healing in an instant.

In South America, a very well known evangelist from the Argentine Revival, was holding meetings in a huge football stadium. Knowing that the children in his church had been taught all about healing, the evangelist asked some adults to take three or four children each and go into the streets around the stadium and pray for people coming to the meeting. Off they went, many carrying milk crates because they were so small they needed to stand on the crate in order to reach those they would pray for.

As they spotted anyone who seemed to be headed for the stadium and who appeared to be needing a healing, they asked if the children might pray for that person. The kids gathered round, standing on their milk crates if necessary, and prayed. Many people were healed before they even got close to the stadium.

Why do I mention all of this? Because children accept what we tell them about Jesus without questions and without theological barriers in their way. Children receive Jesus simply. Their faith is simple and very straightforward. They also receive the Holy Spirit in the same way.

One last story for you. The Sunday School children were not back from their class so parents went over to collect them. When they opened the door, revival – yes real revival – had broken out in the junior Sunday School. The kids were learning about how Jesus could be welcomed into every meeting. One little girl went and opened the door and called out, “Welcome Jesus – come on in.” And He did and the revival lasted for over a year producing many young Christians for life and many who ended up working full time in ministry.

The whole point of all of this is that children accept the Lord without all of our adult hang ups and questions and doubts and disbelief. They accept Holy Spirit in the same way. Now if there is one thing I want you to take from this article it is this –

Children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit. The receive the same Holy Spirit as you and I. There is only ONE so how can they receive anything different to us?

We adults may very well usher in moments or seasons of revival, but it is our children who will run with it and carry it forward. No questions asked, the children will manifest all the gifts of Holy Spirit because they accept Him as we must learn to do – simply and with their child-like faith.

Makes you think doesn’t it?

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