Thursday 29 March 2012

Build Your Faith

Where is YOUR Faith?

We got a new book this morning. It was about John G Lake’s ministry and his teachings on healing. We had also recently heard a preacher talking about healing and, we got to start discussing not just Lake, but Smith Wigglesworth, who also had an amazing healing ministry. These men of God didn’t just teach and preach healing, they lived their ministry. They continually used their own faith and that of others to produce miracles the like of which have very rarely been seen since then. The preacher had also said that, men of great faith though they were, they are no longer with us and we can only copy their example, develop and use our own faith.

As we discussed this, the Lord asked me a question. He said this - “John G Lake and Smith Wigglesworth spent their lives sowing seeds of faith and then reaping what they sowed. They built their faith on that which they saw Me doing in people’s lives. They accepted and lived My Word. What are my people now doing to emulate these two of my servants. Does My Word not say that ‘greater things than these will you do’?”

Jesus, the Word tells us, healed the sick. He didn’t pray. He didn’t ask God to do people a favour. He did what He saw His Father do, and what He heard His Father say. He healed people and He told us that ‘greater than these shall you do’. Lake and Wigglesworth did very much the same thing – they put the trust and belief in His words, and they did whatever the Father told them to do.

John G Lake once said something that seems to me to be a little harsh. He said that if we have a spiritual problem we go directly to God, but if we have a health problem we go to a doctor. Then he asked how we dare do that? As Christians our first call in all things must be God. Horses for courses? Not a bit of it. God is the only course we need to follow.

Both Lake and Wigglesworth developed and nurtured their own faith. What about you? Where is your faith? What are you doing to nurture and develop your own faith? Not just for healing but for the whole of your life?

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