Thursday 8 March 2012

None But The Lord

No Other Gods

With no disrespect whatsoever intended to anyone, living or dead, how many film stars or music stars have been paraded through the media as gods? How many scientists and great thinkers are held in such awe that they are the gods of their realm? How many old or present day great preachers are held up and worshipped as idols. How many people – good, Christian, well meaning people – flock to hear their favourite preacher time after time after time after time?

I once watched a ‘revival’ program on God TV and the speaker said words to the effect of “This is our (umptieth)day here – how many have come along every single day?” Apparently, nearly 200 people or more put their hands up. Then the preacher asked, “So what have you done with all that you have been given or learned here?” The answer was obvious – not a thing as they had been ‘here’ every day. They had made the meetings or the main preacher their idol. They, like so many non-Christians, had put their idol on a pedestal where they ‘worshipped’ them.

Yet the very first of the Ten Commandments says, in Deuteronomy 5:6-7, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. “ No other gods before Me – that’s a little bit definite isn’t it? But still we place people where only God should be.

It seems perfectly logical to say that, despite appearances and protestations to the contrary, the vast majority of people believe in at least one god or another. Whether it be pop star, film star, prominent person, money, possessions, or what/whoever – most people have a god they worship. It seems perfectly logical, again, to say that some, maybe many, Christians are, for whatever reason, exactly the same – they worship a god of their own making as well as worshipping the Lord God Almighty.

Why is this I wonder? Is the Lord not big enough for them? Did they not have a real salvation experience? “You shall have NO other gods before Me.” It seems to me that the church in general needs to re-educate its own people as what it is they are supposed to believe about God. This present trend is, it seems to me, a reflection of the lack of preaching the Gospel and a lack of follow up teaching of the ways of God and His principles for living.

Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m a fundamentalist. Tell me I’m a party pooper. I don’t care !! Our God is the Lord God Almighty, that is His Name, and we should have no other gods but Him.

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