Tuesday 6 March 2012

Worthless Traditions

Worthless Traditions

I sometimes think that we have got so involved with our own struggles and problems that we forget or don’t want to know about other people’s struggles and problems.

The Word of God says, in Mark 7:9 “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!” To me, that means we hear what Jesus says but no longer act on it, if we ever did. To me this means that we understand what God wants but prefer doing what we want. To me this means that, through our constant rebellion, we have established unholy and unrighteous habits that have been allowed to become our ‘tradition’ even though they are unbiblical and worthless.

God's advice to you is to Stop it - Just stop it. Stop going your own way. Repent, turn and go God's way. He will then heal your land and return all the territory the enemy has stolen from you.

Trouble is, of course, that like skaters in winter, we sometimes step on very thin ice and have to try to live with the consequences of not stopping. Life in freezing water can be very short. Lives lived separated from God can also be short too. Short of love, short of compassion, and often short of all sense. Lives short of God in them are often bitter, or bigoted, or even lifeless in that they are so self-centred instead of Christ-centred.

Disobedience to God’s Word can lead to all sorts of sin creeping in and, eventually, paralyzing the church. I know a lady who gave her testimony about being rescued from drink and drugs. She was told that, ‘we didn’t realise you were like that’, and promptly shunned ????? Where was the love in that? Where was Jesus in that?? Who amongst us has not sinned and been forgiven?

Thus it is with unity. There have been many ‘unity movements’, not the least of which was the “ecumenical movement” of the late 40’s and early 50’s. Still going strong too but almost certainly doomed to failure by the intransigence of those denominations who refuse to join their brothers and sister because of a single point of doctrine on which they disagree. However, there seems to be a growing grass roots unity movement where doctrinal and theological issues are being put aside for the greater good. Many towns now have a ‘Churches Together’ initiative whereby most or all of the local churches combine to offer services that local or central government seems unable to offer. These groups are offering services of great love and understanding to many marginalised by society.

So it is that unity takes two steps forward then one step back then two more steps forward – and so on. Can we persevere with this do you think? Can we take a step or two back towards obedience to God’s commands to love one another and our neighbours as ourselves? It will make a world of difference when we do,

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