Tuesday 7 August 2012

Time for Everything

End Times Revival

Look at the nations and watch — and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5

When the Lord first spoke these words He was preparing His people for captivity. I believe God is speaking these words again. This time God is speaking to us in preparation for end time revival.

When we look around us and see some of the things that are happening in the world, we might think that this is a crazy time. It is a crazy time. A time when deception, immorality, corruption, and hatred are rampant. A time when the slave trade, sex trade, drugs trade, and pornography trade are rampant. A time when world, international, and local politics are so corrupt as to make the worst dictators of history mild by comparison.

This seems to me like the perfect time for a revival.

Now look at what’s happening elsewhere around the world. There is a burgeoning new church in China and other places in the far East. The persecuted church in the Islamic world is growing exponentially. It’s the same in the persecuted church in Africa too. Bible sales are off the scale – especially in countries where Christians are persecuted!! There are signs, in Britain at least, of the younger generation, having been taught little or nothing of Christianity, are seeking more seriously than ever before for the answer to “God, life, and the universe”. Not only the young but all ages are becoming aware that “there is more to life than this”.

So back to Habakkuk - “Look at the nations and watch — and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5

Look at the nations and watch” – as they slowly spiral downhill towards what? Economic meltdown, Islamic influences, corruption and murder of opponents?

and be utterly amazed.” We know that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and God’s ways are not our ways. We have heard that the coming revival will be ‘like no other before’. How can this be?

For I am going to do something in your days” – Is God really going to do something so different? 

that you would not believe, that we really would not believe it? Perhaps a move throughout the Moslem world? A revival led by the young and the very young – those with “faith like a child”? A moral revival throughout the world – returning to true Biblical Christian values? Such moves are unthinkable to most Christians let alone the rest of the world.

even if you were told” Here is the cruncher – we would not believe it even if someone stood up and announced it with a fanfare of trumpets!

So what can I say?  I believe revival IS coming and coming soon. I believe it will be unlike anything, any revival, any move of God ever seem before anywhere on earth. I believe it will shock and surprise many – even alienate many ‘religious’ Christians – such will it be ‘different’ from anything seen before. I also believe that millions upon millions will be swept into the Kingdom of God, all over the world, and that despite savage persecution Christians will dance and sing in the streets of every country and every city and town.

Yet I am not God. My thoughts are not His thoughts nor my ways His ways. This article is what I can only term ‘prophetic conjecture’ – make of that whatever you will.

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