Monday 29 October 2012

Philip Airlines

Philip Airlines

When Philip was on his travels, he encountered the Ethiopian on the road to Gaza – the story is in Acts 8:26-40. The important bit for today is in the final two verses 39-40 where it says, “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.  Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and travelled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.” The Lord transported Philip to somewhere called Azotus which I understand is about 35 miles away.

I have often found that many of the most interesting and educational points in many Bible stories  are in the detail rather than in the main body. Here God is showing us that time and space are as nothing to Him. He is Lord even of time and space – after all He did create them too. Here, in this story, God physically moves Philip quite some distance in the blink of an eye.

This ‘transporting’ still happens today. I jokingly call this ‘Philip Airlines’.

We have many well documented examples of this phenomenon in action. We have seen it in our ministry and I know two people to whom this has happened. This may well be one of the “greater things than these will you do” that Jesus referred to. We had a man transported into one of our meetings in Spain. There was the man who was transported to a prayer group in China from his office in the USA. At the end of the meeting he was transported back to his office building again. He later received an email from the Chinese pastor he had met and prayed with. There was a pastor running late for an important meeting who picked up his briefcase from a closet and emerged from the closet in his own house  into the hallway of the meeting room 40 odd miles away – and his car was outside too.

So why do we still doubt that God can do all things? Why do we still question God as to His capability in our lives?

We have a promise from Jesus Himself that “greater things than these shall you do”. We have well documented and proven examples of miraculous happenings at God’s hands. We serve a mighty God. The Lord God Almighty is His name. ALL mighty, ALL powerful, ALL knowing, ALL wise, and ALL sufficient.

Isn’t that enough for you or do you still want even more from Him?

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