Sunday 17 February 2013

Calling for Revival

When We call for revival

. . . . Do we really understand what we are calling for? Most folk think they are simply calling for new Christians to come into God’s Kingdom. To a larger extent this is true. Then comes God’s interpretation of revival and there comes a great big “BUT” into the equation. Many will immediately say “Signs and Wonders” and, when revival comes, then so do the signs and wonders. Yet there is so much more to revival than that. So what are we asking for when we pray for revival?

We are asking for Repentance to begin in us, so that God can heal our land.  The Bible calls on us to repent first before the Lord will heal our land and send revival. Repentance is not just for the unsaved, it is for us too. Revival revives the whole church – not just the “sinners” because we are ALL sinners and we all need reviving.

We are asking for Forgiveness, for all we have done to hold back the cause of Gods Kingdom. Bt repenting ourselves, we are asking God to forgive us for al those little actions that have effectively held back or withheld the Kingdom of God from those who need Him but don’t yet know Him.

We are asking for Healing from our and others sins and diseases. Those who do not yet know the love of Christ need healing and forgiveness and so do we who already profess Him.

We are asking for Personal Holiness for ourselves first, then for others. This is so important. How can God send revival to an unclean church. Certainly there is a sense in which none of us will be ‘clean’ before we reach heaven, but if we make no effort to be holy then why should God make any effort to do it for us. It is only when we make that effort that God, like the father of the prodigal, runs towards us, rejoicing that we have ‘returned home’.

We are asking for Our Agendas to be thrown away – replaced by Gods agenda. We may start out with our own agenda for revival, but when it comes, those agendas will be shattered and replaced by God’s agenda.

We are asking for Our Programs to be torn up and replaced by Gods programs. We can plan all we like and set all the programs imaginable in place, but when revival comes, God will replace everything with His program for us. If we resist, revival will disappear as fast as it appeared.

We are asking for Demons to be cast out of us first then put of those being saved. We all carry baggage and those who are not yet Christians may carry a lot of it. It has to be dealt with in God’s way and in His timing.

We are asking for All sorts of things that we ‘assume’ to be all right in us first but which really aren’t. This is just a brief glimpse into the whole process of praying for revival. Our assumptions may well all be completely shattered as Holy Spirit leads us. Willingness and preparedness to surrender to Him are essential. Surrender means letting Go and letting God. Surrender means dying to self and living only for Him. Are you prepared for the cost, the disruption, the changed plans and programs, and – most of all – the prayer time you will need to seek His face before anything else?

Will you pray this prayer with me – and mean it?

Lord you say in your Word that you are the Lord, our healer. You say in your word that if we repent and turn from our sin, then you will heal our lands. Lord, show us your holiness that we might weep before you over the pitiful state of our own holiness – or lack of it. Lord let not your own word make you a liar. If we do as you ask Lord then fulfil your own word. Heal us Lord. Heal our lands Lord. Send your Spirit in truth and power and might. Let your signs and wonders flow Lord. Let us swim in your mighty river Lord. Claim us – walk among us – touch each of us with the flame of your Spirit. This is our only prayer Lord; Lord – revive us. Amen & amen.


  1. Let the word of the Christ dwell in you richly, Colossians 3: 16.

  2. I am (and have been) praying for his cleansing and authenticity to characterize my life and am thanking him for the revival that has begun to take place in my own heart. I want Him to be my center, my true Lord and Savior, to truly trust him with nothing held back, so He can be seen in me and work through me without ME being in his way. Thank you so much for sharing these blog posts.
