Tuesday 12 February 2013



Rev. William Spooner was  real person, warden of New College, Oxford, who was made famous by his natural talent at switching parts of words around to make an understandable but nonsensical statement. He was apocryphally  quoted as toasting Queen Victoria with the expression, “Three cheers for our queer old dean” instead of “dear old queen”. Other examples included "Is it kisstomary to cuss the bride?" (customary to kiss) "The Lord is a shoving leopard." (a loving shepherd) "A blushing crow." (crushing blow) "A well-boiled icicle" (well-oiled bicycle) "You were fighting a liar in the quadrangle." (lighting a fire) "Is the bean dizzy?" (Dean busy).

As you can see, a real Spoonerism can be quite amusing, even if uttered with totally innocent intent. So it was, one day, that I heard someone accidently refer to ‘signs and wonders’, as ‘wines and sunders’. Now my mind, working the way it does, immediately picked up on this as one of those accidental truisms. Almost an out of the mouths of babes and children type of saying – except that the speaker was middle aged. What I heard was “whines and sunders” – notice the meaning changing ‘h’ in there.

No, seriously, my mind immediately said, “How appropriate – the exact opposite of signs and wonders is whines and sunders” because it our whining that pushes the Holy Spirit asunder when He is trying to move among us. This came as a particular confirmation to me as we have been discussing what happens in our meetings largely depends on our praise and worship. When we praise Him with the attitude of same old same old, then He is grieved and doesn’t manifest at all – perhaps other than those really getting into the worship with all their hearts. At such times we wonder why nothing seems to move.

However, when we all, or most at least, enter into praise and worship with expectant faith held high, then we can expect God to move by His Spirit and the signs and wonders will flow. Yet too often we whine and push Him asunder – we rip the meeting in two and, because there is doubt and disunity, nothing can happen.

So instead of “fighting the liar” let us be lighting the fire of Holy Spirits presence.

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