Saturday 2 February 2013

Faithful God

Faithful God

Psalm 86:5  "You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. "

God is love. This is probably one of the most simplistic yet profound descriptions of God. It sums up our heavenly Father in just three words. Yet this scripture begins to unravel just a small corner of the mystery that is God. It lifts a corner and allows us a peek beneath the surface, as it were, and gives us our first little hint of the extent of the reality of what and who God really is.

When God described Himself as “I am”, He really started something.

“I am” who or whom? “I am” what? The mind boggles at the expanse that can be covered by that small statement. You only have to look at the names of God to realise this.

ELOHIM - meaning "God", a reference to God's power and might.
ADONAI - meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God.
JEHOVAH-YAHWEH - a reference to God's divine salvation.
JEHOVAH-MACCADDESHEM - meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"
JEHOVAH-ROHI - meaning "The Lord my shepherd"
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH - meaning "The Lord who is present"
JEHOVAH-RAPHA - meaning "The Lord our healer"
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU - meaning "The Lord our righteousness"
JEHOVAH-JIREH - meaning "The Lord will provide"
JEHOVAH-NISSI - meaning "The Lord our banner"
JEHOVAH-SHALOM - meaning "The Lord is peace"
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH - meaning "The Lord of Hosts"
JEHOVAH-GMOLAH - meaning "The God of Recompense"
EL-ELYON - meaning "The most high God
EL-ROI - meaning "The strong one who sees"
EL-SHADDAI - meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"
EL-OLAM - meaning "The everlasting God"

These are but a few of His names and I can attest from experience that He is a faithful God. His names are His promises to us. He keeps His promises and He is faithful to His Word.

My God is all powerful, He is my Shepherd, He sanctifies me, provides my needs, heals me, protects me, gives me His peace – My God is all of these things and more. He answers every prayer, forgives every sin, overlooks my short-comings, guides me, envisions me, equips me, energises me, and uses me for His purposes.

He is my everything and He is faithful to me, to you, to all of us who call on His name and invite Him into our hearts and lives. He did all this at Calvary and He calls us to enforce that victory because we are His children and carry His presence and His authority.

 What more do you want?

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