Friday 1 February 2013

When the Attack COmes

When the Attack Comes

Has anyone noticed the increased incidence of illness, or mis-fortune, or accidents, or other ‘bad’ things happening against Christians around you and all over the world. It is certainly happening in our small circle of friends and in our church. It starts with our Pastor who is under seemingly constant concerns for his health. Some of our leaders are also under pressure from either their work load or from their health. Many in the congregation are under the financial cosh right now – many with fears for their jobs and therefore for their very homes and way of living.

“We” are one small town in the middle of England. We are a microcosm of what is happening all over England; all over the UK; all over Europe; all over America; and all over the world. There is very well documented persecution of Christians all over the world too and the persecution really does cover every continent.

So, what is going on?

To my mind, this is nothing but an all out attack on our faith by every force and foul demon that Hell can muster. Before you go rushing into assigning every illness, cough, or sneeze, and every other kind of misfortune to Satan and his demon hordes – it’s not. But some, maybe even much of it, may very well be so.

We are well into the end times and if you have read the “back of the book” you will know what Satan knows. His time is nearly up and his time is short.. He wants to rob God of every bit of glory and assign Him to the fate that God actually has ready for Satan. Satan wants to take as many people with him to hell as he possibly can, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve his evil plan. Evil men are planning evil deeds. They are, probably unknowingly, right inside Satan’s camp and doing much of his work for him.

Well I’ve got some hope for you all and some bad news for Satan. If much of what is going on in the world is indeed an attack from Hell, then we have the perfect answer. We can overcome Satan and all his minions “by the Blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony”. The Word of God says that “if we resist the devil, he will flee from us”. As the Church, we need to learn to resist him and to repudiate him in the name of Jesus Christ. As the old song says, “There’s pow’r in the Blood, pow’r in the Blood.”

If you are active in your  church life and Christian witness, then it is quite possible that the illness suffered by you and your friends and family; also the job loss; the home loss; the family bust ups and other misfortunes are part of a demonic assignment against you. It is very rare and improbable that your own actions have brought about God’s anger against you sufficient to invoke His judgement. That would fly in the face of mercy. Much more likely is that, as a threat to Satan’s territory and influence, there is an assignment against you and your family.

Here’s a simple test for you. If you stop God’s work and things start to improve for you, then re-start God’s work again. If then the symptoms return, it is most likely an attack upon you.

The attacks are coming. Time to put the full armour of God on and keep it on. Time to refute the enemy by “the power of the Blood, the Blood of the Lamb, and the word of your testimony.”

Do I hear an Amen ??

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