Thursday 9 May 2013

Counting Everything


My wife tells me, probably with a degree of truth, that I am almost obsessed with counting. I count steps – yes paces between two points. It’s a way of measuring how far I have walked and what exercise I have managed today. I count miles I have travelled, especially by car. It tells me my petrol consumption . One of my particular foibles, apparently, is that I count our cutlery!! Its not that I don’t trust myself or our guests, I just like to know where everything is and that it’s in its proper place.

I count the pieces in a jig-saw puzzle, how many pairs of socks I match in the washing – the sock fairy always steals at least one every time and I have ended up with a few unmatched socks. I’m sure you know what I mean? Getting more realistic, I count how many chapters of the Bible I’ve read today. That’s silly really because it’s what I read not how much – isn’t it?

I count numbers of people in church – that’s part of my ushering duties but I find myself doing it anyway. I count the numbers of people we ministered to in each meeting as that enables us to estimate the effectiveness. I like to count salvations as that encourages everybody. We all like to count and recall the circumstances of healings – especially if they are medically attested.

There are other types of counting such as counting on promises. How many promises have you made that others are counting on? How many promises made to you, even those made to you by God, are outstanding. As far as your promises made to others, then there should be very few. As the Bible warns, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” James 5:12

Finally, there is the modern method of counting down to an event. Personally, I am counting down to revival leading to a countdown to the rapture, and from thence to the “second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” As far as any of these is concerned, it is my firm belief that we are at 11:59time and when Midnight strikes that is when Jesus will come and “meet us in the clouds” (Mark 13:26 & 1 Thessalonians 4:17) The wedding feast is announced, those who were invited have made their excuses, and we are being sent out into the highways and byways to bring people in – the final revival.

Are you ready? I am counting on it for me, my family and other loved ones, and even my enemies.

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