Monday, 6 May 2013

Not to Be Ignored

Signs not to be Ignored

The Word of God tells us that several things will be happening to signify and warn us of the approaching end time. It also warns us to watch out for them and to warn our brothers and sisters. This is why I spend as much time on this topic as anything else – so that no-one need be unaware of the times we live in. However, this last week has seen a decline in our affairs that I cannot ignore. My spirit grieves for our present woeful condition and lack of preparedness.

Let me tell you why – this is all highlighted – or perhaps that should be low-lighted - from the last month’s news.

Crazy weather
These last few days we have seen crazy weather for this time of year. Snow up to 24 inches of it, is reported over half the MidWest – Montana, Minnesota, Wyoming, and Wisconsin. Against this most unusual cold snap, temperatures in Texas, usually in the 90+F in May, was just 54F. So much for global warming. Abnormal weather all around has been recorded in USA. In Europe, where the Gulf Stream usually gives us warm weather, it has remained quite cold too – averaging high-40’s to low-50’s as the Gulf Stream shifted South several hundred miles. It has only just moved back to its normal Summer position.

Professing evil as good and good as evil
A very well-known Christian footballer, Tim Tebow, has been reviled for professing Christ as his personal saviour while a not particularly famous basketball player was lauded for announcing he is gay. The new US Head of Military Religious Freedom Foundation - Mikey Weinstein – has announced that anyone in the US Forces caught sharing their faith in Jesus could be court-marshalled while those who share any other faith are praised. Also, admittedly a wee while back, US forces were ‘encouraged’ in bestial practices. The US government has further announced that all Christians are to be regarded as worse than terrorists while the President ‘blesses’ abortionists. This brings to mind the scripture "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil....." Isaiah 5:20

In the wider world, Nigerian Christians were burnt alive by Islamic fundamentalist militants – men, women, and children alike. Stories have emerged from other places indicating that Christians are being tortured and persecuted in many countries.

In the UK, the head of a major bank announced that China’s emerging currency is fast becoming the safest of the worlds currencies, giving rise to rumours of one world bank and currency.

In the church, there are signs of departures from sound doctrine and the truth – the great “falling away” prophesied in 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” Examples of this might include Chrislam, hyper grace, the prosperity Gospel and so on.

Were it not for the great Hope I have in Christ Jesus, I could get quite despondent about all of this. However, it is precisely because of that hope that I am very excited about the possible return of Christ and the rapture being imminent.

My job is to warn. I have warned and will continue to warn until Holy Spirit tells me to stop. What you make of this does not concern me – neither does your opinion. God asks me to say things and I say them.

Job Done J

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