Wednesday 15 May 2013

This Can't be Bought

What Cannot be Bought

There are some things that money just cannot buy. Things like good manners, moral values, integrity, and intelligence. Even if these were for sale, most people without them would not bother. As Christians, there are other things that money cannot but too. Things like our salvation and, famously, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because they are what the label says they are- gifts. There is one other thing that cannot be bought. It cannot be faked, and it cannot play-acted. That is love.

As Christians we are urged to love one another, to love our neighbours, to love those who scorn us, even to love those who hate us. We are told to use honest scales in business, to cheat no man, to turn the other cheek, and to settle out of court – lest we lose. So why is it that Christians are so often depicted as weak, smiling, almost grovelling people who wouldn’t say boo to a goose?

It is time, surely, for Christians to realise just who they are in Christ, what responsibilities that position carries with it, and how to apply that to their every day living. A Christian business friend of mine did a lot of work for another Christian company. When invoices had been exchanged, the other company’s manager called my friend and told him he could not pay the bills. In the ensuing conversation it transpired that he knew he would not be able to pay when he ordered the work! To make matters worse, when my friend suggested he would have to sue for the money, he was accused of being very un-Christian in both his attitude and his dealings. He then promptly paid the bill. As far as I can see, the so-called Christian business broke all the rules on integrity, honesty, hypocrisy, and false trading. He also showed a negative amount of love for another Christian, and altogether tried to capitalise on the Christians reputation for being a soft touch. He had done this to several other Christian companies and not one had ever sued him. When this was made known to them, the last we heard was that the bad guy deservedly had several outstanding court dates awaiting him.

What cannot be bought was sadly lacking in that businessman’s life but was bought to light by one in whose business all the virtues were clearly being demonstrated.

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