Sunday 14 July 2013

What is a Prophet

What is a prophet?
Interesting question isn’t it? I reckon that if you ask a few people, you may get a surprising variety of answers too. Well let me start by saying that the prophetic gift is not just about seeing that which is to come – it is also about the here and now and sometimes about the past as well. What are the prophetic gifts? Well obviously there is prophecy itself, then there is the word of knowledge, discernment, interpretation, and proclamation.

Prophecy is foretelling, or seeing and speaking that which is to come. However, foretelling is not telling someone their future – that is fortune telling. I have been asked many times what the future holds for someone,  and I usually respond that I am not a fortune teller but that I may have a word from the Lord for them. This almost invariably is a simple confirmation of that which they have already heard and is received with both surprise and thanks.

Prophecy is also forthtelling or declaring and revealing that which has already happened, sometimes in secret. See comments on Words of Knowledge.

Proclamation is speaking that which is not as though it were – again looking into the future. Recently, our prayers have concentrated on proclaiming blessing upon areas, businesses, families, or individuals. For example, one of our group is a farmer and he proclaimed blessing over his crops. The result is that he has the best crop in the area for miles around and where many are finding their crop un-harvestable and have been plowing it back into the ground, he has a bountiful crop. He declared his crops to be plentiful before they even grew! And they were !!

Words of knowledge are about what is happening now or sometimes what has happened in the past. I know a man with a prophetic gifting who was suddenly confronted by a number of people who wanted to hear from the Lord. One by one he worked through them, receiving word of knowledge after word of knowledge about their hopes and dreams; about their roles in the church; about their work and family lives. Every one was spot on correct and many heard a very positive word from the Lord that day.

Interpretation is for explaining dreams and visions – usually forward looking. This is a more “specialised” gifting but, again, I am aware and know a few who are greatly gifted in this area. God will reveal the meaning of dreams and visions to whomsoever He will and that interpretation can be prophetic, proclamation, forthtelling, or a warning – as with Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar.

Discernment, vital to the prophet, is the knowledge of what is and what is not of God. This is the crux of the revelatory gifts – the knowing that which is of God and that which is false. There is little more dangerous to any congregation than to allow a false prophet loose among them. The damage can be irreparable. This is why the Word of God says that two or three prophets need to confirm what is prophesied – especially words of guidance or important decision making.

So there you have the beginnings of a teaching on the prophetic gifting and prophets. Many have the gifting but very few are called to the office of prophet. It is, or can be, a very lonely office – ask any of the Old Testament prophets or John the Baptist.

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