Tuesday 23 July 2013

Who will Speak

Who will Speak if not the Prophet?

Where are the prophets? Where have they all gone? I don’t mean those who glibly roll out confirmation after confirmation of what has gone before; what was prophesied by twenty other prophets. I mean those true prophets who will tell us how God is so desperately sad, but at the same time, angry at His church, His people, who speak only that which is politically acceptable, who continue with the same old, same old regardless of its relevance to todays world. Where are the prophets who speak with authority; who declare and see their declarations happen.

Where are the warnings from the watchmen? Indeed, where are the watchmen? When the watchman does sound the warning, why does the church whitewash over all the cracks, the warnings, the dangers? Has prophecy lost its authority, its truth, and its power?

Millions after millions are going to hell and the church does nothing except say that “All are welcome”. Millions after millions are going to hell and the church does nothing except continue to act as a social glee club for its own members regardless of the desperate needs on its own doorstep. When will the church reach out to the hurting, searching world with the Gospel – and that doesn’t mean just words. St Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” The Gospel is the church being church rather than the church being an exclusive club for those who can afford to belong. We tritely rattle the gospel off but does it change our life-style? Not one iota.

God is calling the church, the whole church, every denomination, every member, every believer, to new depths of relationship with Him in which we become His feet, His hands, His mouth. It is a call in which we will become the “good Samaritan” to ALL our brothers and sisters out there who are suffering, aching, wounded – so often by the very church that should now be reaching out to them. It is a call for all who are less fortunate, less able, maybe out of control; for those who maybe cannot cope without our help.

Church, the great commission was not given us as a “think about doing this” idea! Our Lord meant every syllable of it. Before it’s too late, please, take it seriously. It’s not someone else’s job – it’s your job. just do it.

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