Saturday 24 November 2012

Final Days - Last Hours

Final Days?

Some quotations today

Get a hold of this observation from the late David Wilkerson

Once again the Holy Spirit is calling God’s people to make their final move. We know the end is near and you and I have to make our move now as to what kind of person we are going to be in the last hours.

You are going to become more worldly minded, or more Godly minded.

You are going to buy and spend and waste more, or give and share and surrender more.

You are going to draw nearer to God and He to you, or you are going to draw nearer to your friends and the world, and the world to you.”

My answer to this challenging statement comes from another man who affected his generation for the Lord - C.T. Studd
Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell;
I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell

There are moments when I can do no better than to quote someone else rather than trying to put my thoughts and feelings into my own words. My own words are sometimes so woefully inadequate and do not communicate that which I am truly feeling. The Lord spoke; we listened; ministry is launched. Here is another quote that sums up my reasoning for taking this view.

Churches are not clubs for the perfect. They are clinics for the sick, the wounded and the maimed, where those a bit stronger help those who are still weak. The forgiven forgive. The healed heal. The comforted comfort others. Our role is not to kick people when they are down. They are the devil’s victims and, rather than scorn we should pour on them the oil of understanding and bring recovery and joy.” Reinhard Bonnke.

We all use ideas garnered from a number of places to communicate the deepest desires of our hearts. I know that God knows my heart and will honour whatever meagre efforts I am capable of bringing to His table. To quote Pastor Bonnke one final time, “I want to plunder hell to populate heaven.”

That about sums it all up for me. How about you?