Sunday 4 November 2012

That's Just Like God

Thats Just Like God

"Some want to live within the sound of church and chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." -- C.T. Studd 1860-1931

How many times have you heard someone say “That’s Just Like God.” We usually hear that said when God works in a particular situation or in a particular way. We recognise His finger prints all over the situation and on the people themselves. So, quite often that’s ‘Just Like God’ to do that or to work like that.

He rescues the drunkard and uses him to counsel and mentor other drunkards. He rescues the addict and uses hem to help rescue others in the same situation. He mends broken marriages and uses those people to counsel other couples. He rescues the abused and uses them to rescue more abused and broken people. Less dramatically, He uses the poor to relate to the poor and the healed to relate to the sick. He uses our life experiences to help those walking where we once walked and from whence He saved us.

Isn’t that just like God? He uses those who have experienced and received mercy to extend mercy – His mercy.

Yet in all of this wonderful helping ministry, there is an over-riding factor. I call it the Love Factor. A very close and dear friend once coined the advice, “In order to be any kind of minister, there are three golden rules. We have to love the people; love the people some more, and then love the people again.” This is such a true statement. Jesus said that, “By their love shall you know them.” John 13:34-35. He also said, in that same scripture, that we must “Love one another”.

Isn’t it, then, just like God to take those who are virtually penniless and use them to both feed and house and teach those who have nothing at all? He is our provider, Jehovah Jireh. The God who supplies our every need. He does this so that we cannot boast of anything we actually did. Rather we can only boast of what God did through us by providing all that we needed in order to achieve it.

It is so like God to use a sinner to catch a sinner and then to use that newly saved sinner to catch more sinners. After all, sinners are all God has to work with down here on earth.

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