Friday 22 March 2013

For or Against us?

For us not against us

Luke 9:50 “But Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.”

This is a quote that has always troubled me. Mark 9:39-40 puts it this way, “But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me.  For he who is not against us is on our side.” It raises some very interesting doctrinal, theological, and moral points. I mean, how can we say that a man who operates strange, apparently erroneous Christian theology and practices, is on our side?

Let’s take an extreme example – like those who promulgate Chrislam. Just an example – I am not going to argue one way or the other. Whilst they preach and practice what some call apostasy and heresy, they still experience miracles in the rest of their ministry. While they preach what many call doctrinal error, there is still an anointing on the rest of their ministry. Jesus tells us not to tell them to stop using His Name in their prayers because “If they are for us, then they are not against us.”

Call me what you will for saying this, but I reckon this is an underscore on the instruction not to judge others. We are not to judge others, especially as to whether or not they are going to heaven or hell. That is God’s call. Certainly we are called to judge for ourselves the wisdom and correctness of their teaching, but we are not to pass judgement on the same. There is a huge difference, and those who set themselves up as judge and jury will, it seems to me, answer for their temerity at taking the Lord’s job. By the measure that we judge others, so shall we ourselves be judged.

That puts a different perspective on a few things doesn’t it? Think about it before you throw a wobbly at me. Judge for ourselves - yes – pass or pronounce judgement - NO !!!

I have been as judgemental as the next man, but I find I must repent and not do so again. I have to let God do His job while I simply get on with mine.

So, my friends, must you.

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