Sunday 17 March 2013

Stop for just a moment

Stop for just a moment

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Many people’s favourite verse of scripture, but when was the last time you stopped in the middle of your busy day – just to spend a minute alone with God? When was the last time you went for a walk and just enjoyed the Holy Spirit’s companionship and fellowship? When was the last time you were on a long drive and you turned the radio/CD off and just spent the time with God?

Oh brothers and sisters, what joys you are missing if you don’t stop just to know that He is God. It so true  that you really do get to know that He is God. You really do get to know Him, his character, His presence, His closeness and His never failing love. Above all you get to know His voice – that still small voice that speaks and is heard in the middle of any uproar or in the middle of silence. It makes no difference, you learn to hear His voice in the midst of all else that is happening around you. From the middle of a football crowd to a quiet hillside – you can get alone and be alone with God.

Plus there is a bonus! You can experience the reality of Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Oh the times of fun, fellowship, and learning I have experienced on long drives in the car – even better on a plane. Oh the closeness of worshipping my heavenly Father on a lonely moor or hillside, or walking around places, or even on a quiet afternoon at home with a good supply of good coffee. The pure joy of His presence with me, even for a couple of minutes, waiting for something. Even better in my “prayer closet”. I term it like “that” because if I want to pray, I simply get alone with Him somewhere, anywhere. That place; those few moments become my prayer closet.

I am sure many of you know the truth of Psalm 46:10, but for those who have not experienced it for themselves, I urge you to simply “Be still, and know that I am God.” Find or somehow make the time in your busy-ness and experience the closeness and the intimacy of spending time alone with your heavenly Father.

You will never regret it nor will you ever forget it.
Just do it !!!

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